Monday, February 26, 2007

Dr's Appt #3 February 26, 2007

We had our third appointment today. We got to hear the heartbeat again; it's so amazing! We planned on trying to tape it, but got so caught up in the excitement that it slipped our minds - maybe next month. The doctor said the heartbeat sounded great, and she was able to find it much quicker this time. At our last appointment, the baby kept moving around, so it took a while to find it. We scheduled our next appointment when we left, and it will be Monday, March 26th; we will have the ultrasound first and then will see the doctor. We can't wait!!! We'll be sure to make a posting that day to let everyone know if Baby Hayes is a girl or boy.

Shanda & Matt

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Welcome to our site!!

As most of you know, our family began on May 1st, 2005. We were married at Riverwood Mansion, and spent a wonderful honeymoon in the Mayan Riviera. We lived in Hermitage for six months before buying our home, which we love! A few months ago we decided that we were ready to expand our family, and we were so happy to announce to everyone at Christmas that we were expecting. Our first child is due August 13th, and we can't wait. I am now 15 weeks pregnant, and I believe the morning sickness is finally starting to pass. I was very sick for weeks and had no energy, but I am gradually starting to feel better. We can't wait to find out what we're having, so we can decide on a name and work on the nursery. :)

We would like to share the next few months of pregnancy excitement (and even more importantly, what will come after) with all our friends and family, and we thought this would be a great way to keep you all updated with everything that is happening.

Thank you all for your love and support!!