Thursday, September 6, 2007

September 06, 2007

Meredith had another appointment on Tuesday, and she has started to gain more weight...such a relief. She weighs 8 lbs 5.5 oz. I was so worried that she was still gaining slowly...she looks so tiny to me, but the appointment went great. Meredith doesn't go back to the doctor until she's two month's old.

Her umbilical cord stump came off on Monday had been looking like it was going to come off for days. I was so excited when it finally came off!! She has the cutest little belly button!!! :)

We had a great night last night. We got her a "swaddle me" and turned on her mommy bear, and they really helped. The night before, she wasn't having the best night...she didn't want to go to sleep, and was fussing in her pack and play. I didn't want her to wake Matt, so I took her into the den...I fell asleep with her laying on top of me on the couch...I freaked out when I woke up three hours later. I had just planned on holding her until she fell asleep, and then I was going to put her in her swing to sleep, but I was so exhausted that I fell asleep too.

Can't believe she's three weeks old has gone by so fast!!! It makes me sad...I still have 13 more weeks with her before I have to go back to work, but I'm sure they'll go by as fast as the last 3. I'm not going to be ready to leave her!!

I was so upset yesterday when I found out that the video from my false alarms and from Meredith in the hospital had been taped over...I cried all afternoon. I'm not sure how that happened, but it just made me sick. Luckily, we have plenty of pictures of everything, but I was so upset about not having the video :(

She is the sweetest baby!!! She loves to snuggle and be rocked. She's more amazing than I imagined...such a miracle!! I love her so much more than I thought was possible!!!!!

Matt is such a great dad!!! He only got a week off of work, so I know it had to be really hard to go back to work so soon. He's always so excited to come home every afternoon to see her. I love watching him with her. I love him more now than ever!! I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and precious little girl!

Well, I'm gonna get off here and go snuggle with my baby!! :)
