Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October 10, 2007

Hello Everyone!! Sorry it's been so long since my last journal entry...I've been busy with Miss Meredith. Being a mother is the most wonderful thing in the world!!! Meredith is the most beautiful and sweetest baby ever (all mothers probably think that, but she really is) :) I love it when she smiles at me, I just melt (and it brings tears to my eyes). It's so amazing to know that I helped create her...I thank God for her daily!!! She truly is a blessing!!! I'm so thankful He has given her to me to take care thankful!!!

We had to take her to the doctor last week for a rash...turns out it was contact dermatitis from the lavendar in the Johnson's Bedtime Washcloths...the lavendar apparently is hard on babies skin...who knew? They weighed her, and she was 10 lbs 8 oz - yeah!! So glad she's gaining more...she's really looking different now. She's sleeping better at night, and we're finally getting more use out of the pack & play. I usually nurse her around 9:30, and then she goes to sleep until around 2:30, and isn't up again until about 6:30...yeah!! So thankful for more sleep!! But I love waking up to her, no matter how many times it is!!

Meredith smiles all the time now and has been giggling more. She's also cooing some, too. The first time we noticed it was when my dad was talking to her...there must be something about his voice that she loves because she does it a lot to him. It's so cute!!! My mom is still coming over every Monday (on her day off) to spend time with us, and we love it!! We missed seeing her when she was sick with a cold...Monday's just weren't as fun!

Meredith has really been picking up her head, too. And she's rolling onto her side...hasn't rolled all the way over, yet...her arm gets in the way. She tries so hard, and gets so upset that she can't turn over. We've been trying to put her on her tummy more, but she hates it! She thinks it's time to nurse and starts crying after a short time. I still put her down on her stomach a few times a day, just doesn't last long.

I'm going to try to do better about updating the website...I've been slacking the past 8 sorry! Can't believe my little girl will be 8 weeks on seems like I just had her. I'm going to miss her so much when I have to go back to work...luckily I still have 8 more weeks to bond with her.

Well, I'm gonna get off here now, and go play with sweet Meredith! She's been in her bouncy seat for a little while while I've been on the computer, and I think is ready for a change in scenery.
