Sunday, January 20, 2008

Meredith's Dedication

Meredith was dedicated on Sunday, January 20th during the 11:00 service at our Church. It was such a special day for us!! Meredith woke up in a great mood, and we enjoyed our morning with her before going to Church. She usually doesn't spit up that often, but she did for some reason today...I was so worried she was going to spit up on her dedication's a beautiful silk dress. It was so cold today!!! Since her dress was so long, we had to wait to put it on her at Church. She often leaks out of her diapers, so we decided to put two on her for the service :)
She was so good during the dedication service!! We were so proud of her! I was so emotional today...I cried several times this morning, and had to fight back tears during the service. I thank God daily for giving Meredith to us to take care of for him...she's our daughter, but she's also His. We love her so much!! I'm so thanful that we have a wonderful family and Church family that love her, too!

She's such a blessing!! The song played during her slide show said "You're a little piece of heaven," and she really is!! Her smile and giggle can melt your heart!

We love you baby!!