Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Preds Game - March 4th

We went with Shannon and Matt to the Preds game. We had a great time!! And I was very excited about eating Pizza and Ice Cream!!! Yum!! I don't have them very often (since Mere can't), and they were great!!!

Thanks Mimi for watching our little angels for us!! We really appreciate it!!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mere's 2nd Dentist Appt - March 3rd

Mere did great!! I was so proud of her!!! She wouldn't lay down for them, but she let them look at her teeth and clean them. She got a balloon and a pink bracelet :) She was so excited about them.

I mentioned that she's still sucking on her fingers, so the dentist said she would let me purchase Mavala. You can only get it from a dentist or doctor, and she said it's the worst tasting stuff you can get. She warned me that some kids even throw up when they taste it. I decided to go ahead and get it...we'll see how well it works...

Here's some pics of our princess:

Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 13th

Matt made us Valentine's breakfast...It was delicious!!!!!

And then he took us to the Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cafe for lunch!!! It is one of my favorite places!!!! We had so much fun, and it was so nice being able to take Meredith out with us!!!

Thanks honey!!! I had a wonderful Valentine's!!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

SNOW! January 30th

We got lots of snow!!!, so we took Mere out to play...she was actually scared of it!! We didn't stay out very long...but we did make snow angels, and Daddy threw snowballs at us :)

Isn't she super cute!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25th

I love this picture!! So sweet!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Earrings!!! - January 23rd

We had been telling Mere that we would take her to get her ears pierced when she was fully potty trained. She had been doing so well that we decided to go ahead and take her. We took her to Icing in Hendersonville. She did so good!!! She cried a lot when they pierced her first ear, but didn't cry as much with the second. Some of the pictures are very sad!! I hate to see my sweet girl in tears, but I was trying to look really excited in hopes that she would perk up sooner. The two purple lollipops did the trick :)




Friday, January 22, 2010

January 22nd

Mere drew her first smiley face today. She was playing on her chalkboard with my mom, and they called me to come to the playroom. It was the cutest thing!!! so I had to get a few pics. Here they are...