Saturday, July 5, 2008

July 05, 2008

It's been so long since I've added a journal entry...our little girl is getting so big, and is into everything now. She has to be supervised at all times :)
Here are some monthly updates on Meredith:

Jan 18th - Mere sat on our bed all by herself; Jan 20th - Meredith's Dedication, Jan 22nd - Put her paci in her mouth by herself (she just likes biting on it), Jan 25th - Mere had cereal for the first time tonight, and she loved it!, Jan 31st - Mere's first tooth has broken through

Feb 1st - Mere had Sweet Potato babyfood for the first time (We decided we were going to only give her organic babyfood, and mostly organic when she starts with table food, made sour faces), Feb 5th - Mere's second tooth has broken through, Feb 6th - Mere had Applesauce babyfood for the first time (made lots of sour faces), Feb 10th - Mere had Peas babyfood for the first time (she loved them!), Feb 14th - Mere had Carrot babyfood for the first time (made more sour faces), Feb17th - Mere had Banana babyfood for the first time (no sour faces), Feb 21st - checkup, more shots :( Feb 24th - Mere had Prune babyfood for the first time (made faces, but not sour faces), Feb 27th - First time Mere splashed in the bath, she had so much fun...she's always loved bathtime, but now it's even more fun for her

Mar 1st - 6 month pics taken, Mar 5th - Mere is now in size 3 diapers, our little girl has moved out of the swaddlers and into the cruisers, Mere had Pear babyfood for the first time (liked them ok), Mar 7th - Mere started crawling backwards, Mar 8th - Mere played in the snow and we helped her make her first snow angel, Mar 10th - Mere had Green Bean babyfood for the first time (she liked them), Mar 16th - noticed that Mere is jealous of Carter, Mar 22nd - Mere snorted for the first time (when Matt was tickling her), Mar 30th - Mere's third tooth has broken through, has recently been sitting up by herself from being on her tummy

Apr 5th - Mere's fourth tooth has broken through, & has recently been scooting over to me when she's playing and laying her head on my leg - so cute!!, Apr 6th - Mere had a teething biscuit for the first time (organic barley, seemed to like it), Apr 10th - Mere crawled for the first time (so cute!!), Apr 11th - bit off a piece of her teething biscuit and choked on it, so she's not getting any more of those, wrote on her face with a pen (right by her eye - she was so dangerous tonight), & sat in the grass for the first time (didn't seem to mind it), Apr 13th - Carter's dedication (Mere kinda screamed out during the prayer), Mere's been hitting a lot lately (and hitting and biting...mostly me), Apr 14th - Mere started crawling really good today (went after Annabelle and then her laptop), Apr 24th - Mere is starting to pull up on things, loves going on stroller rides (she sticks her feet straight out and smiles the whole way, so cute!!), Apr 31st - Mere crawled up the first step today and was going onto the second when I got her (she was so proud of herself)

May 5th - Mere's 6th tooth has broken through, May 7th - Mere pulled up in her crib tonight, May 8th - Mere (with the assistance of her sweet daddy) sent me flowers at work (early Mother's Day; I was so surprised!), May 9th - Mere bit on her there are lovely teeth marks all in!, May 10th - went to the Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cafe with the girls (and Carter)...we went last year for the first time, and we're making it a Mother's Day tradition...I love mommy-daughter time!!, May 11th - Mother's Day!!, May 13th - had so much fun playing with a paper towel, loves tearing it up, May 15th - Mere said dada for the first time (and she pointed to Matt when she said it...we think it was just a coincidence), May 17th - Mere had Gerber Graduates puffs (sweet potato) for the first time (first non-organic, and first finger food)...she wasn't sure about them, and acted like she was going to choke on a whole one, & she got attached to her paci today, and barely took it out of her mouth, May 18th - Mere's first Biker Sunday, looked so cute in her pink motorcycle tank (& pink shades), May 21st - 9 month checkup (no shots...yeah!!), May 22nd - Mere had noodles for the first time (she loved them!), May 24th - Mere had banana puffs for the first time, May 25th - Mere said mama for the first time, May 26th - our first family vacation with Mere began today, May 29th - Mere's 7th tooth has broken through, Mere went on her first ride today (it was a Bert & Ernie firetruck...and she loved it...she fussed after it quit, so she rode again :) May 30th - Mere said puff tonight...she pointed to them and said it, May 31st - Mere rode on the firetruck two more times (got it on video), and rode on a carousel (I had to hold her on and walk around with it...she loved it)

Jun 5th - Mere had whole green peas, Jun 8th - Mere took her pajama pants off, not sure how she did it, but there they were, Jun 13th - Mere stood for the first time by herself, she just got up off the floor by herself, Jun 14th - Mere's 8th tooth has broken through, Jun 15th - Father's Day!!, Jun 16th - got attached to the Father's Day cards that she got for her daddy...kept wanting us to give them to her, and she threw tantrums when she couldn't have them, sat toys in front of Carter today so he could play with them, Jun 17th - Mere ate Cheerios for the first time tonight (I was so nervous about giving them to her, but she did really well with them, and seemed to like them), Jun 18th - really sweet to her babies, she has recently started hugging them, and she'll crawl around holding onto them & she will point to her head when you ask her where it is, Jun 19th - throws toys under the couch, and then looks under it for them...started doing it this week & Matt asked her where her ear was and she pointed to it, Jun 20th - noticed that Mere prefers the color yellow (we were playing with 3 balls (red, yellow, and blue), and she only wanted the yellow one...and she prefers her yellow baby over her pink one), Jun 23rd - Mere had a great day with Meep, and was so sweet (she gave Carter toys to play with, and handed Meep clothes out of the basket to fold), Jun 24th - Mere stood up by herself several times at Nana's, Jun 25th - Mere chewed on the sides of her bed this morning...thankfully, it wasn't much, she tried to give her baby some of her bottle today, Mere kept dancing tonight (so super cute!!!), Jun 28th - 9 month pics, Mere had juice for the first time (Organic apple carrot, very watered down - she wasn't crazy about it, I wasn't surprised), Jun 29th - Mere had pieces of baked sweet potato rolled in rice cereal...she loved it, and made a huge mess :)

I'll try to do better about keeping this updated...I just don't have much spare time these days.
We're planning Meredith's big FIRST Birthday bash!!! I have mixed emotions about the upcoming event...every day with her becomes more exciting, and it's great watching her grow and learn. But, I'm also a little sad about it...I can't believe how fast this year has gone seems like she just arrived. I'm just not completely ready for it...but I guess it's coming whether I'm ready or not :) We're having the party at Two Rivers Mansion (we were wanting to have it the day of her birthday, but they were booked, so we're having it the next day...Sunday, August 17th). Patty Russell (the lady that made our wedding cake (Patty Cakes)) is making Meredith's cake and a cake for all of the guests (it's a Mad Hatter excited, her cakes are the best!!!) We have a photographer from Krista Lee Photography that is coming to take pictures...her pictures are amazing!! You can check out her website at We decided on a princess theme...cause she's our little princess :) I'll try to keep the website updated with more party plans.

Since every day goes by so incredibly fast, we just try to make the most of our time together with Meredith. She loves for us to play with her, and especially loves being read to. She has favorite books that she brings to us to read her. And she loves looking at pictures...especially ones of herself :) Recently, she's been getting into cartoons...we don't let her watch a lot, but she seems to really enjoy it :) And she doesn't just has to be interactive...she points and talks, and makes sure that we're watching, too. And she has recently started dancing, which is the most adorable thing I've ever seen!!! There is one song that is by far her favorite...she dances almost every time she hears it. It's precious!!!

Hope everyone had a very happy 4th!! Have a great weekend!

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