Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Cookies - December 24th

I have such fond memories of making Christmas cookies with my mom and I decided that Meredith and I would make them together this year. What was I thinking?!? She loves to help in the kitchen, but she is so dangerous!! I really had fun with her, but was exhausted by the time we were finished...about 2 hours later.

I prepared the cookie dough the night before, but we still had to roll it out, cut out the shapes, make the icing, and decorate.

Here are some pics. Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Pictures with Santa

Meredith actually sat with Santa all by herself this year. And she told him that she wanted baby dolls and choo choo trains :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Nutcracker - December 11th

We took Meredith to see the Nutcracker...and we weren't really sure what to expect. She isn't always very good in public. She was so good, though...and she really liked it!! We were on the front row, so we had to put 2 booster seats under her so she could see the stage. Everyone around us commented on how good she was!! We were so proud of her, and had a wonderful evening!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Egg Allergy ReTest - November 13th

Meredith had an appt with Dr. Stauffer on November 13th to retest for her egg allergy. I wasn't surprised that she hadn't outgrown was such a strong allergy that I felt like it would be a while before she was over it. I have such a hard time with her food allergies...I know this is in God's plan for her life (and I continue to pray for His will and not mine), but as her mommy I just want to fix it!! I don't want her to ever feel she is missing out. When she goes places, I try so hard to bring similar things to what others will have...hoping that she won't notice a difference!! I just love her so much, and want her to know that she's so special!!! The allergies have changed our lives, but we are learning so much because of them. I really know what my baby's eating, and I hope she will be healthier for it!!

I love you Meredith!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Open House at Davidson Academy

We took Meredith to Davidson Academy's Open House on November 8th. We're hoping to get her into their Pre-K3 program (starting in August). Meredith loved the school, and we were able to meet the teacher and talk with her for a while. We should find out if she's been accepted in the next few months :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sorry...our blog is so out of date!! I'm skipping over a few months...maybe one day I'll get time to add them, but at least I'm posting the most current. Enjoy!!...those of you that are still checking :)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Date Night

We don't have very many date nights...and usually if we do, we're only gone for a short time. However, on June 27th, we had an extra special date! Matt planned it all and surprised me...I love surprises!! We had dinner at P.F. Changs, and then went to see Legally Blonde at TPAC. We had so much fun together (and yes...I couldn't help myself, and talked about Meredith (probably too much))!! The play was hilarious...we were totally cracking up!!!

Thanks honey!! I had a wonderful time!! I love you!!!
And thanks Shannon and Matt for watching our little angel!! We really appreciate it, and will be glad to return the favor anytime.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Meredith loves to paint!! When we were on vacation we found a set of Melissa and Doug art supplies...she was so excited!!! Here is our sweet little woman hard at work...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Daddy Did It!!

On June 14th, Matt and Mere disappeared for a little while...and this is how she returned :)
It absolutely cracked me up...I don't think she was crazy about it :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Visit from Gran Gran and GiGi Marie

Gran Gran and Gigi Marie came to visit us on June 13th. Here's a picture of them with Meredith. We had a great time!!! Thanks so much for coming to see us!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

First Dentist Appointment

Meredith had her first dentist appointment on June 11th. We decided to go ahead and take her for a checkup before her 2nd birthday. She saw Dr. Mary Beth Tabor...and we really liked her!!! Meredith was such a good girl!!! They said she did exceptionally well :) She initially chose a bracelet as a prize (and then changed colors two or three times)...and then she saw that her cousin Carter chose a car, so she had to get a car :) And she got two balloons (she was excited about that because she likes to have things on each wrist).
Here are a few pictures from her visit...
She's crying in this picture because she didn't want her Daddy to go back to work (she almost had me in tears)...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Chocolate (Soy) Pudding

We gave Meredith chocolate soy pudding on June 7th. We thought she would love it...and she acted like she did at first (she got so excited and threw her little arms up). It didn't last long, though...she only took a few bits and then decided she didn't want anymore. She's been super picky lately...and usually only eats a few bites of something (it drives me crazy because I think she's not getting enough to eat)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Vacation 2009

Every year, we go to Cumberland Mountain State Park for vacation with our family. It's always so relaxing, and so much fun!! It was Meredith and Carter's 2nd time, but they were too small last year to do very much. Here's a picture of all of us...

On the way to Crossville, we stopped to visit Matt's "big brother" Brent at work. It was so good to see him, and Meredith had lots of fun!!

And Brent gave Meredith a was her first ever, and she loved it!!!!
Meredith got to do lots of fun things on vacation this year...

Like playing with sidewalk chalk

Going on stroller rides

Playing in the baby pool

...Mere had an allergic reaction just a few minutes after this picture was taken...I'll add another post about this :( but here's a picture of the rash on her back...

Playing at the playground...especially on the slide

Going to see the duck ducks

Sitting out by the fire

Going on super fun walks :)

Going to the Aquarium in Gatlinburg

We had a wonderful time!!, and really needed that time away!!!! Just wanted to share a few of the many pictures we took :)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Other May Pics

Carter's new ride...

Loving her ketchup...

She tried to put a second shirt on all by herself...

Eating Cheerios out of her toes...

Being super sweet...