Friday, November 13, 2009

Egg Allergy ReTest - November 13th

Meredith had an appt with Dr. Stauffer on November 13th to retest for her egg allergy. I wasn't surprised that she hadn't outgrown was such a strong allergy that I felt like it would be a while before she was over it. I have such a hard time with her food allergies...I know this is in God's plan for her life (and I continue to pray for His will and not mine), but as her mommy I just want to fix it!! I don't want her to ever feel she is missing out. When she goes places, I try so hard to bring similar things to what others will have...hoping that she won't notice a difference!! I just love her so much, and want her to know that she's so special!!! The allergies have changed our lives, but we are learning so much because of them. I really know what my baby's eating, and I hope she will be healthier for it!!

I love you Meredith!!

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