Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ultrasound Appointment - March 27, 2007

Yesterday started out pretty rough. I woke up and started getting sick at 4:30, and couldn’t keep anything down for several hours. I was finally able to keep some Coke down, and it made me feel a little better. This was definitely not how I had pictured the morning. I was so excited, but also nervous about the ultrasound. There have been no problems so far with the pregnancy, but I was so worried that we might find out something was wrong. Once we were taken back and the ultrasound began, I was able to relax a little. I was so glad my mom and Shannon were able to go with us!!

The baby was very active; I’m sure it was because of the Coke I had. It was so incredible watching the baby kick and move around; I really can’t find the words to describe what I was feeling. After all the measurements were taken, the lab tech told us that we were having a girl. Matt had me convinced that we were having a boy, so I think I’m still so shocked that it’s a girl. I’m very excited!!

When we got home from shopping and beginning our registry, our front porch had been decorated by my Aunt Lori…there were pink balloons and a teddy bear with a pink bottle. It was so sweet!!

Thank you all for sharing in this wonderful experience with us!!


Sunday, March 25, 2007

March 25, 2007

Tomorrow is the big day!! We can't wait to see our precious baby for the first time!, and to find out if Baby Hayes is a boy or girl. We will hopefully have a picture on the site sometime tomorrow.

We have so much to be thankful for!! Yesterday, someone rear ended us while we were stopped at a red light. I was really worried about the baby, and debated whether I should go to the emergency room. Since we were hit at such a slow speed and I felt ok, I decided not to go. It could have been really bad, but you can't even tell that we were hit.

I'm still getting sick occasionally, but it is so much better than before...and I think my thyroid hormones are starting to work now.


Monday, March 12, 2007

March 12, 2007

I've been having my thyroid levels checked more frequently since becoming pregnant. The blood work done at my last appointment indicated that the pregnancy has affected my thyroid function, and my levels are now too low. My endocrinologist called the middle of last week to let me know, and they have put me on thyroid hormones. I've been taking the hormones for a few days now, but it might take a few weeks before they begin working.

We ordered the furniture for the baby's room on Saturday...we were so excited!! They said it could take up to 12 weeks, but we're hoping it comes in sooner.

Everything is going great! I'm feeling so much better; I actually haven't gotten sick in 6 days.

Only 14 days till the ultrasound!!!!


Saturday, March 3, 2007

March 03, 2007

Today we went to USA Baby to look at furniture and bedding. We found a furniture set that we love!! I will hopefully have pictures on the site soon. Also, my mom got us the first piece of furniture for the nursery - an awesome glider (and ottoman). It was by far the most comfortable that we have sat in - I love it!!, and can't wait till it gets in (probably about four weeks). Matt has been working on the nursery tonight. I helped him tape the room, and he's been priming the walls to get them ready for paint.

Everything is going great!! We got the results from the blood work (quad screen for genetic disorders) done at my last appointment, and everything is normal. We are so thankful!!

I've been having more good days!! I have a little more energy now, and I can eat again!!
