Saturday, March 3, 2007

March 03, 2007

Today we went to USA Baby to look at furniture and bedding. We found a furniture set that we love!! I will hopefully have pictures on the site soon. Also, my mom got us the first piece of furniture for the nursery - an awesome glider (and ottoman). It was by far the most comfortable that we have sat in - I love it!!, and can't wait till it gets in (probably about four weeks). Matt has been working on the nursery tonight. I helped him tape the room, and he's been priming the walls to get them ready for paint.

Everything is going great!! We got the results from the blood work (quad screen for genetic disorders) done at my last appointment, and everything is normal. We are so thankful!!

I've been having more good days!! I have a little more energy now, and I can eat again!!


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