Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ultrasound Appointment - March 27, 2007

Yesterday started out pretty rough. I woke up and started getting sick at 4:30, and couldn’t keep anything down for several hours. I was finally able to keep some Coke down, and it made me feel a little better. This was definitely not how I had pictured the morning. I was so excited, but also nervous about the ultrasound. There have been no problems so far with the pregnancy, but I was so worried that we might find out something was wrong. Once we were taken back and the ultrasound began, I was able to relax a little. I was so glad my mom and Shannon were able to go with us!!

The baby was very active; I’m sure it was because of the Coke I had. It was so incredible watching the baby kick and move around; I really can’t find the words to describe what I was feeling. After all the measurements were taken, the lab tech told us that we were having a girl. Matt had me convinced that we were having a boy, so I think I’m still so shocked that it’s a girl. I’m very excited!!

When we got home from shopping and beginning our registry, our front porch had been decorated by my Aunt Lori…there were pink balloons and a teddy bear with a pink bottle. It was so sweet!!

Thank you all for sharing in this wonderful experience with us!!


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