Sunday, August 12, 2007

August 12, 2007

Hello everyone!! Meredith still hasn't made an appearance, and we are so anxiously waiting to see her!!!

At our last appointment (9th), the doctor said I was dilated to about a 3 and had thinned out even more (at the previous appointment I was 80% effaced, so it's even greater than that now). We scheduled another ultrasound and appointment for this coming Thursday. Our doctor said she really didn't think I would last that long, but we set up the appointments just in case.

I had another false alarm this past Wednesday...thought my water had broken again!! Everyone says you'll know if it really happens, but we really thought again that it had. Our doctor said she would have sent me to the hospital to get checked out, that made me feel a little better. Hopefully that was the last false alarm, and the next time we go to the hospital it will be the real thing. I was so disappointed after our last trip to the hospital, that I cried the whole way home. I'm so ready to see our precious baby, and ready to not be pregnant (and be rid of this diet).

I was having pretty consistent contractions for a few hours yesterday, about every 4 minutes...but they weren't getting stronger, and were in my abdomen, not starting in my back. We were getting excited thinking that maybe something would happen soon, but the contractions stopped last night. We went to the grocery store, and got lots of snacks to take to the hospital (whenever we go) and things for me when I get back home...I got blueberry muffin mix, brownie mix, skittles, and some mountain dew...just a few of the things that I can't wait to have!!! I've been making a list for weeks now of all the things I've gotta have, as soon as Miss Meredith is born :)

We were able to go to Shannon's 4D ultrasound yesterday; I had really been looking forward to it, and wasn't sure if I would make it. He was precious!!! Just like Meredith, he didn't fully cooperate, but they were able to get a few really great pictures!!! Hope your mommy and daddy select a name soon...can't wait to find out what they decide on!!! :)

Well, maybe today will be the day...we'll make sure to keep everyone informed of my progress. I just can't believe that tomorrow is my due, the past few months have gone by so fast!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!! Please keep us and sweet Meredith in your prayers over the next few days!!


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