Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hayes' Family Update August 18, 2007

Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on how the Hayes' family is doing after the arrival of sweet Meredith! Meredith is beautiful as ever, of course! : ) She is doing great- she sleeps a lot and only cries for short periods of time...hopefully that will continue when they get home! : ) Last night Shanda and Matt were able to get more sleep, but I know they're still exhausted. Shanda started experiencing more pain yesterday...especially last night. She feels ok when her medicine is working, but as soon as it wears off she is in pretty bad pain- please keep her in your prayers! They will probably be coming home sometime tomorrow or Monday. I'll try to continue posting updates and pictures until they get settled at home.

Thank you all so much for your thoughts, prayers, and visits to the hospital!


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