Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November 14, 2007

Meredith slept really good for two nights...on Sunday night, she even slept 7.5 was awesome!!! However, last night she decided she didn't want to sleep again. I didn't feel good, so not being able to go to sleep made me feel even worse. I think it's allergies, but I want to make sure, so I've been staying away from everyone. I was supposed to go visit Joy, Nana, and Papa yesterday, but decided I better not. Shannon is being induced on Friday, and I don't want to keep anyone from being able to be there. I so hope I get to feeling better so I can go...I'm not gonna take any chances, if I'm not feeling 100% I won't go. It will kill me if I can't be there, but it would make me feel even worse if I got any of them sick, especially Carter. I will cry all day if I can't go...I've been looking forward to it for so long.

Meredith has been talking a lot lately, and recently to the's so funny!! She is also trying to sit up, if you have her leaned back in your arms...she thinks she's a big girl! We took her to Morrison's last Friday for pictures, and they have just been posted for viewing...she looks beautiful!!!! It's going to be so hard to choose...I want them all!!! If anyone wants to take a look at them, they are at (Select Login, enter Hayes, and then click on the link to view Meredith's pictures).

Well, I'm gonna go play with my little sweet pea! Have a wonderful evening!!! Next time I get on, I'll have pictures of sweet baby Carter to post...can't wait!!! :)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 11, 2007

Good morning!! Meredith still isn't sleeping very well, so I'm gonna call the doctor back in the morning to see if she has any more suggestions, or wants us to bring her in. She did a little better last night...we finally got her to go to sleep at 12:30, and she slept till 5:30. I'm worried that she's not getting enough sleep. We took Mere to Morrison's on Friday (to have her three month pictures, and to make family Christmas pictures). We can't wait to see's going to be so hard to choose. She wore her dedication dress for her three month pictures, and she looked beautiful!!! She was in such a good mood, so I think they probably got some great pictures of her smiling. She wore one of her Christmas dresses for our family Christmas pictures...she was starting to fall asleep, so I'm not sure how they will look. Once she fell asleep, they wanted to get more pictures of her with her clothes off (all she had on was a gold bracelet, gold ring, socks, and shoes)...she looked so precious, and they said it was so rare to get one like that. I just can't wait to see them!!!!! Thanks Meepmers for the dresses and accessories!!! I only have four weeks left with my baby before I have to return to work...I'm so sad about having to leave her! I'm going to be a mess, but I'm sure Mere will be a happy girl with Nana, Papa, and Joy...they will love on her all day, and give her lots of attention (which she loves!), so it helps knowing that she will be with family and will be well taken care of. I am going to miss her so much...I'm so thankful that I've gotten this much time off with her, but I think it also makes it a little harder since I have been with her so long. I hardly remember what life without her was like...Meepmers watched her last night while we had a date night, and I think I talked about her the whole time we were gone...what did I talk about before?? Not really sure. We got a few things for her for Christmas, and it was so much fun!! This Christmas is going to be so different, it will be wonderful!!!

Shannon is going to be induced this Friday at 5:00 am, if Carter hasn't made an appearance before that time. We can't wait!!! She is planning to work Monday-Wednesday, and for a little while on Thursday. Come see us baby Carter!!! I can't wait to see you, and hold you. And Meredith is so excited!!!...she is going to love looking at you!! :) Please keep Matt, Shannon, and Baby Carter in your prayers this week!!

Well, I'm gonna get in there and play with my Mere Bear! Hope you all have a wonderful week! -Shanda

Thursday, November 1, 2007

November 01, 2007

Hello Everyone!!! When I made my last posting, I said I was going to do better about adding things to the website, but I really haven't. I've been working on updates to the site all day today.

Meredith is taking a nap right now, and she looks so sweet!!! She went to the doctor for her first shots last was awful!! She was in so much pain later that night, and her poor little legs were all red and swollen. When they weighed her, she was 12 lbs 2.5 oz...the doctor said that was a big weight gain for only 3 weeks...not sure what I can do about that, the girl's gotta eat. She is really getting big, she's outgrowing so many things, and is so chubby's so cute!!! I love being home with her, and try not to think about having to go back to work...I will miss her so much!!! She is cooing so much now, and Matt actually thinks she said dada...we have it on video, but I'm pretty sure she didn't. It was so cute, though...he kept calling people and playing the video over the phone.

Ever since Mere had her shots, her sleeping schedule has been off. She wants to stay up all night, and keep me first I thought she had colic, but now I'm thinking it's reflux. She will only stop screaming if we sit her straight up and bounce her, or if I'm nursing her. We started giving her Mylecon drops last night, and she actually had a better night (only one short screaming fit), so I'm not sure if it was the Mylecon or just a coincidence. The nurse at the pediatrician's office said it could be a number of things...she gave me some suggestions, but said she was probably going through a growth spurt (that they usually do between 2 1/2 and 3 months). I hope she starts sleeping better soon because I have to go back to work in 5 weeks :(

My sister is due very soon (on the 18th)...I can't wait till Carter comes, today would be nice!! I'm selfishly wanting him to come soon, so I can have more time with him before I have to go back to work. She talked to her doctor yesterday, and if she hasn't had him before, she'll be induced on the would be neat if he came then, because me and Shannon were born on May 16th and Meredith was born on August 16th. I just can't wait to see him and hold him!!! And Meredith can't wait for her buddy to get here...they are going to be so cute together!!! We love you Carter!!!

Well, Meredith has woken up now...she's in her bouncer and is smiling at me and kicking her legs. I'm gonna go play with her now...maybe she'll be good for tummy time (she's getting a little better, but still doesn't really care for it).
