Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November 14, 2007

Meredith slept really good for two nights...on Sunday night, she even slept 7.5 was awesome!!! However, last night she decided she didn't want to sleep again. I didn't feel good, so not being able to go to sleep made me feel even worse. I think it's allergies, but I want to make sure, so I've been staying away from everyone. I was supposed to go visit Joy, Nana, and Papa yesterday, but decided I better not. Shannon is being induced on Friday, and I don't want to keep anyone from being able to be there. I so hope I get to feeling better so I can go...I'm not gonna take any chances, if I'm not feeling 100% I won't go. It will kill me if I can't be there, but it would make me feel even worse if I got any of them sick, especially Carter. I will cry all day if I can't go...I've been looking forward to it for so long.

Meredith has been talking a lot lately, and recently to the's so funny!! She is also trying to sit up, if you have her leaned back in your arms...she thinks she's a big girl! We took her to Morrison's last Friday for pictures, and they have just been posted for viewing...she looks beautiful!!!! It's going to be so hard to choose...I want them all!!! If anyone wants to take a look at them, they are at (Select Login, enter Hayes, and then click on the link to view Meredith's pictures).

Well, I'm gonna go play with my little sweet pea! Have a wonderful evening!!! Next time I get on, I'll have pictures of sweet baby Carter to post...can't wait!!! :)

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