Friday, December 21, 2007

December 21, 2007

Hello everyone! Well, I've been at work for two weeks now, and it's not as bad as I imagined it would be. Of course, I miss Meredith like crazy, and wish I could be with her every waking moment. She's actually getting into a routine, which is wonderful! We still have to let her cry herself to sleep, which is awful (but usually I get to miss it, because I'm getting in bed myself). She sleeps so good, when she finally goes to bed...and she wakes up in the best moods (I usually miss this, too since I get to work so early now), I'm so glad Matt gets to be there for it. She's been taking her bottle around the same times during the day, and most days has been taking a 3 hour nap...she never did that when I was off :) I really like my new work schedule...although, getting up at 4:30 is really hard, but I'm still nursing Meredith and want to get in a nursing before I leave.

She's growing so quickly...wish I could slow it down!! :) She rolled over for the first time on Monday, Dec 10th at 11:45 pm...I, of course, missed it because I was asleep...but she did it for me the next night and we got it on video. It's the cutest thing ever, I love watching her. And, before I went back to work I was showing her her feet, and now she's all about them...she's constantly playing with them, especially when we change her diaper. And, she's squeling really loud now...she's even scared herself a few times by being so loud. It's so cute hearing her. She loves it when we sing the pumpy umpy umpkin song to her...she gets the biggest smile on her face, it makes me so happy to see her so happy!!

Mere had a checkup at the doctor's office yesterday, and more shots...I was so worried after how she did with the last ones. However, this time she did so well! She barely cried, and has actually been in a really good mood since. She weighs 15 lbs 13 oz, and is 26 inches long. Her head measurement is 41 cm. The doctor said she is in the 90-95% percentile for height and weight (which means, she is bigger in height and weight than 90-95% of babies her age), and is in the 50% percentile for her head measurement. I'm still not planning on giving her any food until she's six months, and I'm going to attempt to make her baby food at that time...we'll see how that goes. They said she's doing great!!

I took the day off to spend with Meredith, since I was worried we wouldn't get any sleep last night...I actually wasn't feeling well and went to sleep at 7:30...and slept till around 8:30 this morning...well, I wasn't asleep the whole time, I got up with Meredith twice to nurse her, change her diaper, and give her more tylenol. But I was so exhausted, I guess I needed all that sleep. I feel much better today...but I'm still not sure if it's just allergies, or if I'm really getting sick. I've been wearing a mask when I nurse Meredith, I would hate to get her sick.

Well, I'm gonna go check on her...she's been taking a nap. And I've been trying to finish wrapping Christmas presents.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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