Thursday, December 6, 2007

December 06, 2007

Good morning!! Meredith has been sleeping so well for about two weeks now...ever since she got over the worst of her cold. Several nights she's slept 9 hours straight :) I'm so thankful she's sleeping better because I have to go back to work tomorrow. I'm so glad I was able to take off for 16 weeks to be home with her, but I think it almost has made it harder. I've so enjoyed being with her every day and night, it's going to be so hard to leave her. I'm going to start working a more flexible schedule at work...I'll be going in at 6:30 and leaving at 3:30...that will give me a little more time with her before she goes to bed. We had a trial run on Monday...I got up and got ready like I would for work, and Matt took Mere to Nana's. I picked her up after my doctor's appointment. She was such a good girl, and was so happy...knowing that made me feel better. I only cried a little bit that morning and I was so proud of myself for how well I did. However, every day since then I've cried more. I'm just so worried that I'm going to miss so much!!

Meredith isn't talking to us as much as she was before she got sick...not sure if she lost her voice or if it was uncomfortable to talk. She talks every once in a while now, but not for long. I've been so worried about it, I hope she starts talking to us again like she used to.

Just wanted to make a quick posting...I'm gonna go check to see if Meredith is awake, I want to spend every waking minute with her today!!

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