Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Matt had these beautiful flowers sent to me at work for Mother's Day!! I was so surprised!!! He's so sweet to me, and I love him so much!!! I was just thinking about how much he did for me when I was pregnant with our little miracle...I couldn't have made it through it without him! She was definitely worth everything I went through and more...I would do absolutely anything for that little girl!!!

I had a wonderful Mother's Day (other than being sick)...although, being Meredith's mommy makes every day special for me!! I never could've imagined that I would have the ability to love like this. I just feel the strongest connection to her...just thinking about that brings tears to my eyes!! She's so fun and funny...she truly lights up a room!!!

My mom gave me the following poem when she found out I was having a girl...she has had it for many years and wanted to share it with me. I thought about it recently, and wanted to share it.

Decade for Daughters
By Sandra Gales Shapard

Take my hand, my daughter,
and let's move together
toward your future.

It's a decade for daughters
and you are here
with all your energy
your bright eyes
your ready mind
willing to share my decade
while rushing
to get started on one of your own.

Then you will drop my hand
perhaps to balance better alone
perhaps to take a tiny hand in yours
and share your decade
with her.

Meredith is getting bigger everyday, and wanting to do everything on her own. I hear "ME" so often's so exciting to watch her try things on her own, but also reminds me that she's growing up too quickly!!! :( There are many times that she doesn't want to hold my hand anymore because she wants to try things on her own, but I sure love the times that she does grab my hand!!!!

Mommy loves you Meredith Grace!!!! xoxo

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