Sunday, May 3, 2009

Whole Foods

We went to Whole Foods yesterday, and loved it!!!!!!! Just wish it was a little closer!!

We've been feeding Meredith mostly organic foods, and now we have to be even more careful about what she eats since she has food allergies. We were going there primarily to find soy cheese (since we've been unable to find some without milk protein at Publix, Kroger, and WalMart). They had the best fresh and frozen fruit and veggies...and we found pudding, muffin mix, waffles, and noodles. We could've spent so much longer in's such a blessing for us to find a store like that!!!

We met the nicest lady while we were looking at the soy cheese...she stopped to tell us how cute she thought Mere was, and we got to talking about food allergies. She has food allergies, too...many of them. We saw her several times in the store, and she recommended some products...she also gave us the name of two books that she said might help us. We're so grateful for her help!!! We're new to all of this, and it actually kinda scares me.

We're gonna try to go to Whole Foods about once a month to stock up on things. If you've never been, I totally recommend it!!!!

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