Monday, April 2, 2007

April 02, 2007

Over the past few weeks I've thought I felt the baby move a few times, but wasn't positive. However, I am positive that I felt her move last Wednesday; I was so excited to know for sure!! I've felt her move every day since then...not a lot, but a few times a day. I feel her the most around lunchtime and bedtime. It's so amazing!! I had heard that it felt like a flutter, but it didn't really feel like that to was just really weird!! :)

We're working on picking out a name for our little girl (I have a book of over 100,000 names, and I finally finished looking through the girl names last night), and working on the nursery. We had a voicemail last Monday that our furniture is already in...we thought it would be several more weeks. And, we had a voicemail today that our glider is in!!...I wanted to go get it tonight, but we couldn't make it before they stopped their pickups. Matt is working on painting the room...he's got to finish in the next few days because we're having new carpet put in the nursery on Friday. Getting everything ready for our baby girl's arrival is so much fun!

My mom bought us the cutest bunny lamp for the will look great with the bunny mobile that we registered for. We're going to recover the shade to match whatever bedding we finally decide on.

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