Sunday, June 3, 2007

June 03, 2007

I hope everyone has had a great weekend!! We've been busy working on the nursery, and we love how everything is looking!! (new pictures have been added). Also, we went on a tour of the birth unit at Centennial Women's Hospital yesterday - it was so exciting!! We thought the rooms were really nice. They even let me pre-register; that will make things so much easier the day I go into labor. I also signed us up for a few more classes at Centennial - two this month, and one next. They sounded like they would be really good, and the lady that led our tour teaches some of them...she was really great, so I hope she's our instructor.

I've been doing ok with my diet; I've only gone over my limit once...and I completely know why...I overdid it with some cheese pizza, but it was so good!!!!!!!

I've taken off work this week, and I'm so excited!!! I've got a very long list of things I want to get done around the house. Also, my parents and grandparents have rented cabins at Cumberland Mountain State Park, so I'm planning on going up around the middle of the week...and Matt will join us this weekend. It will be good to get some rest, and I've got to work on Meredith's blanky...I want to finish it before she gets here :)

I hope everyone has a great week!!


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