Wednesday, May 23, 2007

May 23, 2007

This past weekend was really hard on me; it was so hard to stick to my diet, and I was really upset about it...but I survived, and my blood levels were great!! It's so much easier to follow during the week.

We had another doctor's appointment on Monday, and it went great!! We got to hear Meredith's heartbeat again...I love hearing it!!! The doctor checked all my blood levels, and told me I was doing really good. She said if they continue to be as good at my next appointment, she'll let me test less often - that would be wonderful!! I really don't like pricking my finger!!! She measured my stomach, and said it measured perfect. I will now be going every two weeks...except this next, I'll be on vacation, and the doctor will be out most of that week. So we will be going for our next appointment on June 11th. We signed up for our prenatal classes, and can't's a two day class, June 29th and 30th.

We have our next 4D ultrasound on June 16th - I can't wait to see how much she's changed...hopefully, we can get a really good look at her sweet face.

Only 12 weeks till my due date...I'm getting really excited, and a little nervous.


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