Sunday, June 17, 2007

June 17, 2007

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend!! I was so busy this week that I didn't get around to posting a journal, so this one is longer than usual.

We had another doctor's appointment on Monday and it went very well...the doctor is only having me test three days a week now, which is wonderful!! We go back again on the 22nd for another checkup. I had a checkup on my thyroid also; as long as my bloodwork is fine, I won't have to go back again till after Meredith is born.

We had our first prenatal class, and have our next one this coming Thursday (infant cpr). I'm glad we're able to go to this one. I'll feel better knowing how to do it. Our last class was really informative, so I'm sure this one will be really great, too!! Can't wait!!

I had my first shower this was a complete surprise!!! I was going to a meeting that had been scheduled, and it turned out to be a baby shower. They all did such a wonderful job putting it together!!! It was so much fun!!! We got some awesome gifts for Meredith, and the food and company were great! I love playing shower games, so I was excited that we played a few. Also, everyone left advice for was so much fun reading their advice! Thanks so much to everyone that had a part in it!! It meant so much to me!!

On Saturday, we had our second 4D ultrasound! I had a little bit of morning sickness, but was excited to have some cherry coke before our appointment...i skipped breakfast and my snack to have the coke hoping that it would get Meredith moving around a lot. She cooperated better than last time, but we still didn't get the best pictures of her face...she kept tilting her head back. She's beautiful!!! She smiled a lot this time...I hope she continues to do that because she looked so cute and happy!! She also stuck out her tongue a lot (we included one of the pictures under the 2nd 4D ultrasound section) and it was so funny!!! It was so exciting to get to see her again. We can't wait till she's here!!!

We have our Nashville shower this next weekend; I"m so excited about it, and can't wait to have another piece of cake and some punch...yum!! :)

I've been feeling pretty good!! I'm having some back pain and a little swelling in my feet, but nothing too bad...and my eyes have been bothering me (I think they're just really dry and when I put my contacts in they get irritated, so I've been wearing my glasses a lot).

Hope you all have a wonderful week!! Please keep us and sweet Meredith in your prayers throughout the next few weeks as we get closer to our due date!


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