Monday, July 2, 2007

July 02, 2007

We have been so busy the last few weeks!! We've had prenatal classes, and showers, and have been busy trying to get everything ready for sweet Meredith.

This past Friday, I had some cramping and back pain, and very frequent trips to the restroom...I called and talked to the nurse and she thought I may have a bladder infection. They wanted me to come in; my doctor was off that day, so I saw another doctor. He said there were no signs of pre-term labor, and the culture didn't show any signs of infection. I was glad...still didn't explain the weird symptoms I had, but they were gone the next day. I was supposed to take it easy this weekend, which is very hard for me to do...I really didn't relax as much as I should have :)

We had our labor and delivery classes on Friday and Saturday. They were very informative!!!!! and actually scared me. Before, I was a little nervous, but now I'm really scared....about everything!!! We went on another tour of the hospital, and they took us by the nursery again...those babies were so precious!!! I can't wait to see my precious little girl!!! I can't wait till she's here with us, even though I'm terrified about getting her here :) Oh, and during class the guys had to wear the sympathy was great! Matt said it was hard to breathe in it :)

Today was such a wonderful day!!! Me and my mom went with Shannon and Matt to their ultrasound appointment. I was so excited that they asked me to go!!! They found out that they're having a boy!!! We're all so excited!!! Meredith was very active during the ultrasound...she's just as excited about Baby Baskin as the rest of us are!! The ultrasound pictures were so cute!!!! Can't wait to find out what name they decide on, and how they are going to decorate the nursery. And I can't wait for the 4D ultrasound...just hope I can go, their first one will probably be very close to my due date.

I'm feeling pretty good today, and my blood sugar levels have been great!! We have our next appointment on Friday!! Well, it's getting late so I better get to bed, but I'll hopefully have more pictures loaded soon.


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