Thursday, July 12, 2007

July 12, 2007

Hope everyone is having a great week!!

We had a doctor's appointment today, and found out that I'm dilated a loose 1 and 70% effaced. My doctor said it was a very good start! It's very exciting!!! We go back next Friday for another appointment, and we'll set up the ultrasound appointment then (for the next week). The doctor said it was fine if I go into labor before we have the ultrasound, it will just be less weight that Meredith can put on :) Also, my doctor checked and it appears that she is head first, so that's great!!

We had our Newborn Care class tonight, where we went over basic care such as bathing and diapering. It was pretty informative...I've really enjoyed all of our classes. I was glad that this one was short because I was really tired, and so ready to come home. My blood sugar levels for the most part have been pretty good...After dinner last Saturday; however, it was really high (after eating only two bowls of cereal - a bowl of Cheerios and a bowl of Rice Chex, both with Splenda). I was really shocked, and it scared me, so I've been checking my blood sugar every day now. I just want to try to keep it as low as I can, so hopefully Meredith's will be fine when she's born.

My scrapbook shower is this Saturday; I can't wait, it will be so much fun working on pages for Meredith's baby book!! I'm so excited to have family and friends help me work on it; it will make it that much more special!!!

I've been feeling pretty good, just tired. I had morning sickness last Friday and Saturday. Also, my feet have been swelling really bad!!! Last night, they felt really tight and hurt when I walked. I tried to prop them up today, and I think it helped a tiny bit...they're still swollen, though :)

Well, I better get to bed; it's getting late!!

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