Saturday, July 21, 2007

July 21, 2007

Good morning!!! I can't usually sleep late on Saturday's, so I'm not surprised to be up at 6:00 :) I feel pretty good this morning, just nauseous as usual. I slept great last night, and am ready to get started on lots of things I want to finish around the house. Matt is playing in a tennis tournament, and has matches today, and I've decided to stay here.

We had another appointment yesterday, and it went very well! Found out that I'm now dilated to 2 and 70-80% effaced. I was hoping for more progress than that, but at least it was something. :) Meredith's heartbeat sounded great, and we'll be going back next Thursday for an ultrasound to get an estimate of her weight. I pray that she hasn't gained too much; I haven't gained very much during the pregnancy, so I hope that's a good sign. I feel like she may be gaining and me losing, though. We have another appointment after the ultrasound; hopefully, things will be even further along next week :) Also, found out that I'm positive for Group B strep, which I wasn't seems like most things you can get during a pregnancy, I've had. Our doctor said it was very rare for your baby to catch it if they were carried full term, and Monday is 37 weeks (considered full term), but please keep this in your prayers!!

We have our last shower in Shelbyville tomorrow. The doctor said I would be fine to go. I'm excited!! Just hoping I don't get too exhausted; Matt may be able to go with me, depending on how the tournament is going. I want him to win his matches, but I also want him to be there with me and Meredith :) I'll try to post shower pictures on Sunday night, or early next week.

Meredith has been getting under my ribs a lot lately, which hurts extremely bad! She's also been sitting on a nerve, which causes a pain to shoot through my body, and sometimes makes my legs go numb...really scared me the first time it happened! I'm still having swelling in my feet and ankles...see the attached picture :) And, I've hit the nesting phase; for the past week or two, I've been staying up really late trying to get some things done. I've actually had more energy lately than I've had the whole pregnancy. My blood sugar levels have been really good; I'm trying to keep them much lower than my limit. I've been feeling really good most days! I'm just getting so inpatient...I can't wait to see my precious baby!! And, I'm also looking forward to no more diet (I've made a list of all the things I want), and wearing my contacts again :)

Well, I'm gonna get started on my to-do list for today! Have a wonderful weekend!!!


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