Sunday, April 19, 2009

2009 FIJI Pig Dinner

Matt and I attended the 2009 FIJI Pig Dinner on April 18th. This was my first time being able to attend (women are only allowed to attend every few years, and this was a special event as they were showing the new house plans). It was really cool to be a part of it...although, there's a lot of things they do that I don't understand :) and a lot that makes me laugh (when no one else is laughing)...

Here's a pic of us...

Matt with Brent (his first big brother (top row, left)), Jon (his little brother (top row, right), and his grand little brothers (and I apologize, I can't remember their names)...

Here's a pic of me with LeMarbre and Josh. I haven't seen them in so long!! It was so great to see them!!!

Yes, they really did roast a pig (thankfully, we didn't have to eat it)...

Another pic I took at the end of the evening...

This is Matt's fraternity, but it really does hold a special place in my heart. Because of it, we met!!! And I met some wonderful friends!!! I have such great memories of the FIJI guys, and going back to Cookeville for this event brought so many of them back.

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