Sunday, April 26, 2009

Country Music Marathon Results

They posted the results yesterday afternoon...
Shannon and I both finished at 2 hrs 37 min 58 sec.

Oh, and about the chill bumps I mentioned yesterday (which I thought were due to the experience)...this might possibly have been from heat exhaustion!! I also felt very lightheaded and my legs hurt (we even had to move off to the side and stretch for a few seconds)...I haven't had any of that happen during my training. I drank a lot of water for the last few miles...I've never wanted water so bad in my life!!! As soon as we finished, I had to hold onto Shannon to keep myself up.

Matt wants me to run it with him next year...we'll see about that :) I'm just glad it's over for now. But I'm definitely excited that he wants to do it...I think he'll do great (and will be able to beat my time...he mentioned wanting to do that) :)

I was a little sore when I woke up this morning, and felt even better after stretching...however, as the day goes on, I get even more sore!!! And my ankle is hurting worse than ever (I hurt it about 2 weeks ago)...I've been icing it and taking tylenol :(

Have a wonderful Sunday!!!,

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