Sunday, April 29, 2007

April 29, 2007

On Thursday morning, I found out that I did not pass my glucose test. The cutoff is 140, and I was at 143. I scheduled the next glucose tolerance test for the next day at 8:00. I also found out that I'm anemic, and had to start taking an iron supplement. Thursday night was not very good - it's been a long time since I've been that sick at night...lately it's just been in the morning if I even get sick. I was worried about getting dehydrated since I couldn't have anything to drink after midnight. I probably was so sick because I was worried about the test.

I was so glad my mom was able to go with me on Friday, and I'm so glad I was able to get off for the day. The appointment lasted three hours. When I got there, they took my blood, and then I had to drink the glucola; it was twice as sweet as last time, and I barely got it all down in 5 minutes. I don't even like thinking about it - it was really yucky!!! After drinking the glucola, they tested my blood one, two, and three hours later. I am really worried about it; I hope the results come back ok.

We worked on some touch-ups in the nursery today...just a few left!! :) I love the way everything has turned out! We'll probably order the bedding soon; I can't wait to get it and the furniture!!

I'm feeling Meredith move around lots...she was really active again during church; Shannon, Matt, and my grandmother got to feel her kick. :)


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

April 25, 2007

We had another appointment on Monday, and it went great. I had my glucose test, and will hopefully get the results back soon. I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to keep the Glucola down, since I'm still getting sick occasionally. I had heard that it tasted like flat orange soda, and it really did. I had no problem drinking it within the 5 minutes allowed, and I felt fine for a while. Then, when my hour was almost up, I started feeling dizzy; I was so worried that I would pass out...Matt was worried too...he kept fanning me with a huge magazine. Anyways, I never passed out, and they got my blood drawn...they also drew some to check my thyroid function. I'm praying that both tests come back ok. We got to hear our precious little girl's heartbeat's incredible!! I love hearing it!!!

Matt got to feel her kick for the first time on Sunday. I think he was shocked at how powerful her little kick was, he jerked his hand back. She was very active when the choir was singing at church. Shannon also got to feel her kick on Tuesday night during American Idol. She must really like hearing people sing!! It's unfortunate that I can't carry a tune in a bucket. :) I feel her moving around a lot now; it just makes me so happy!!

Oh, we've decided on a name. Thank you all for taking the time to vote on the names we posted! We actually chose one that we didn't put on there. Her name will be Meredith Grace :)

Our two-year anniversary is coming up next week. I can't believe that it's been two years; it has gone by so fast!!! I am so blessed! I have such a wonderful husband!! Matt is so good to me, and has taken such good care of me during the pregnancy, since I've been so sick. I know he's going to be a great father!!!


Sunday, April 15, 2007

April 15, 2007

Everything is going really well!! I'm feeling good; I still don't have much energy, but I feel so much better.

The nursery is coming along; most of the painting is finished - as soon as it's complete, we'll go pick up the furniture :) We've changed our mind so much on the bedding, but I think we've finally decided. It's the Grace Collection from Pottery Barn Kids - it's simple, but very pretty! The colors are pink, green, and white.

I will be having glucose screening done at my next appointment (23rd); I'm a little nervous about it. I hope it all goes well, and I hope the stuff I have to drink isn't too bad. Also, my mom bought us a gift certificate for two 4D ultrasounds at a place in Goodlettsville. We are having the first one done on May 5th - we can't wait!! This should really give us a good idea about what our little girl will look like.

I keep waking up in the middle of the night thinking about baby names. Addison and Matilynne are still our favorites, but I can't decide...


Monday, April 2, 2007

April 02, 2007

Over the past few weeks I've thought I felt the baby move a few times, but wasn't positive. However, I am positive that I felt her move last Wednesday; I was so excited to know for sure!! I've felt her move every day since then...not a lot, but a few times a day. I feel her the most around lunchtime and bedtime. It's so amazing!! I had heard that it felt like a flutter, but it didn't really feel like that to was just really weird!! :)

We're working on picking out a name for our little girl (I have a book of over 100,000 names, and I finally finished looking through the girl names last night), and working on the nursery. We had a voicemail last Monday that our furniture is already in...we thought it would be several more weeks. And, we had a voicemail today that our glider is in!!...I wanted to go get it tonight, but we couldn't make it before they stopped their pickups. Matt is working on painting the room...he's got to finish in the next few days because we're having new carpet put in the nursery on Friday. Getting everything ready for our baby girl's arrival is so much fun!

My mom bought us the cutest bunny lamp for the will look great with the bunny mobile that we registered for. We're going to recover the shade to match whatever bedding we finally decide on.