Sunday, April 29, 2007

April 29, 2007

On Thursday morning, I found out that I did not pass my glucose test. The cutoff is 140, and I was at 143. I scheduled the next glucose tolerance test for the next day at 8:00. I also found out that I'm anemic, and had to start taking an iron supplement. Thursday night was not very good - it's been a long time since I've been that sick at night...lately it's just been in the morning if I even get sick. I was worried about getting dehydrated since I couldn't have anything to drink after midnight. I probably was so sick because I was worried about the test.

I was so glad my mom was able to go with me on Friday, and I'm so glad I was able to get off for the day. The appointment lasted three hours. When I got there, they took my blood, and then I had to drink the glucola; it was twice as sweet as last time, and I barely got it all down in 5 minutes. I don't even like thinking about it - it was really yucky!!! After drinking the glucola, they tested my blood one, two, and three hours later. I am really worried about it; I hope the results come back ok.

We worked on some touch-ups in the nursery today...just a few left!! :) I love the way everything has turned out! We'll probably order the bedding soon; I can't wait to get it and the furniture!!

I'm feeling Meredith move around lots...she was really active again during church; Shannon, Matt, and my grandmother got to feel her kick. :)


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