Wednesday, April 25, 2007

April 25, 2007

We had another appointment on Monday, and it went great. I had my glucose test, and will hopefully get the results back soon. I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to keep the Glucola down, since I'm still getting sick occasionally. I had heard that it tasted like flat orange soda, and it really did. I had no problem drinking it within the 5 minutes allowed, and I felt fine for a while. Then, when my hour was almost up, I started feeling dizzy; I was so worried that I would pass out...Matt was worried too...he kept fanning me with a huge magazine. Anyways, I never passed out, and they got my blood drawn...they also drew some to check my thyroid function. I'm praying that both tests come back ok. We got to hear our precious little girl's heartbeat's incredible!! I love hearing it!!!

Matt got to feel her kick for the first time on Sunday. I think he was shocked at how powerful her little kick was, he jerked his hand back. She was very active when the choir was singing at church. Shannon also got to feel her kick on Tuesday night during American Idol. She must really like hearing people sing!! It's unfortunate that I can't carry a tune in a bucket. :) I feel her moving around a lot now; it just makes me so happy!!

Oh, we've decided on a name. Thank you all for taking the time to vote on the names we posted! We actually chose one that we didn't put on there. Her name will be Meredith Grace :)

Our two-year anniversary is coming up next week. I can't believe that it's been two years; it has gone by so fast!!! I am so blessed! I have such a wonderful husband!! Matt is so good to me, and has taken such good care of me during the pregnancy, since I've been so sick. I know he's going to be a great father!!!


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