Wednesday, May 23, 2007

May 23, 2007

This past weekend was really hard on me; it was so hard to stick to my diet, and I was really upset about it...but I survived, and my blood levels were great!! It's so much easier to follow during the week.

We had another doctor's appointment on Monday, and it went great!! We got to hear Meredith's heartbeat again...I love hearing it!!! The doctor checked all my blood levels, and told me I was doing really good. She said if they continue to be as good at my next appointment, she'll let me test less often - that would be wonderful!! I really don't like pricking my finger!!! She measured my stomach, and said it measured perfect. I will now be going every two weeks...except this next, I'll be on vacation, and the doctor will be out most of that week. So we will be going for our next appointment on June 11th. We signed up for our prenatal classes, and can't's a two day class, June 29th and 30th.

We have our next 4D ultrasound on June 16th - I can't wait to see how much she's changed...hopefully, we can get a really good look at her sweet face.

Only 12 weeks till my due date...I'm getting really excited, and a little nervous.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

May 17, 2007

This week has been much better than last week was. I've been really tired this week, but I feel so good about my blood sugar levels. It takes me a long time to plan out my meals and snacks each day, but making sure I do this right to take care of my precious baby girl is all that matters. I still get hungry occasionally, but it has been much better than I was thinking it would be.

Yesterday, me and Shannon celebrated our 26th, can't believe we're 26. :) We had a wonderful dinner last night with our family at Olive Garden....I was so excited to get my favorite, Chicken Parmesan. It was so good!!! I just skipped the bread sticks, and only had a small bite of my birthday cake, and my blood sugar was great afterwards. I'm so thankful I can still enjoy some of my favorite things!!

The nursery is so close to being finished. We still have a little bit of painting to do, and we've got to hang the pictures and butterfly...oh, and we have to get the curtains, and the rug that matches the bedding. I love the curtains we picked out...they are pink silk, and are so pretty!!! The rug is really great, too!! Can't wait to get them!!

Meredith has been very active the last few days. The other day I felt some extremely strong kicks (they almost hurt!), and I could see her arm or leg kinda sticking was really weird, but really awesome!! Every day I get more anxious...I can't wait to see my baby girl. The sickness and the exhaustion have not been fun, but it will all be worth it when I have her in my arms.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

May 09, 2007

Well, today has not been the best day for me. My test results finally came in, and I found out that I have gestational diabetes. I was pretty upset about it. I'm not worried about myself, I'm just worried about Meredith. I didn't have much of an appetite today, I think I was just so scared to eat because I don't know what is ok to have; I just don't want to cause her to have any problems. It's a lot of pressure! The nurse is going to set me up an appointment for training at a Diabetes Center. I'll have to test my blood several times a day. Hopefully, I'll be able to manage it with diet alone.

On a positive note, I feel my little girl moving more each day. It makes me so happy! I love her so much already, and would do anything for her!!!


Saturday, May 5, 2007

3D/4D Ultrasound - #1 May 05, 2007

Today was so amazing!!!! First of all, I want to thank my mom (so much!!!!!) for the gift certificate (for two ultrasounds). We had the first one today, and it was just incredible. We had a big breakfast, and made our way to Focused Imaging in the pouring down rain. My mom, Shannon and her husband Matt, and Gigi Connie went with us to the appointment. At first, all we could see were arms and legs...she was all balled up. For most of the appointment, she had her arms in front of her face. We tried everything to get her to move - I was rolling from side to side, and pushing on my stomach...and walking up and down the hall, and they even gave me some Hi-C to drink. We got to see a few really good glimpses of her beautiful face, and even got to see her smile. The man doing the ultrasound was so funny - he said she looked really healthy for a 25 week old baby, and was talking about her cheeks. He was right...she had some chubby little cheeks :)

Still haven't heard the results of the glucose test. Hopefully, they will come back ok. I've been feeling pretty good lately, and have been feeling her move around more and more each day...I started keeping track of her movements at work. I've counted at least 10 just while I've been at work every day I even felt her move 16 times. It's wonderful!!!
