Saturday, May 5, 2007

3D/4D Ultrasound - #1 May 05, 2007

Today was so amazing!!!! First of all, I want to thank my mom (so much!!!!!) for the gift certificate (for two ultrasounds). We had the first one today, and it was just incredible. We had a big breakfast, and made our way to Focused Imaging in the pouring down rain. My mom, Shannon and her husband Matt, and Gigi Connie went with us to the appointment. At first, all we could see were arms and legs...she was all balled up. For most of the appointment, she had her arms in front of her face. We tried everything to get her to move - I was rolling from side to side, and pushing on my stomach...and walking up and down the hall, and they even gave me some Hi-C to drink. We got to see a few really good glimpses of her beautiful face, and even got to see her smile. The man doing the ultrasound was so funny - he said she looked really healthy for a 25 week old baby, and was talking about her cheeks. He was right...she had some chubby little cheeks :)

Still haven't heard the results of the glucose test. Hopefully, they will come back ok. I've been feeling pretty good lately, and have been feeling her move around more and more each day...I started keeping track of her movements at work. I've counted at least 10 just while I've been at work every day I even felt her move 16 times. It's wonderful!!!


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