Friday, March 27, 2009

Dora Pull-ups

Mimi got Meredith some Dora pull-ups to use this weekend while we were at the marriage conference. She was going to work with her on potty training. Mere loved her Dora panties! :) She just didn't want to take the time to go use her big girl potty...she's a busy girl, and just doesn't want to stop for something like that :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

12 miles!!!

I'm currently training for the Country Music 1/2 Marathon...thanks to my sister, who asked if I would do it with her. I never would've done this on my own!! Thanks Shannon!! For the past few months, I've really doubted my ability to reach this goal...I've thought about giving up so many times, but I was able to complete 12 miles yesterday!!!! Without the encouragement of my sister, the rest of my family, trainer, and training group I never would've come so far! But I really have to give all of the credit to the Lord!!! I've never been athletic, and actually consider myself kinda weak :) so the fact that I'm able to do any of this is due to Him giving me the strength!! I give Him all the glory and praise!!!!

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life."
Proverbs 13:12

During our Sunday School class today, we talked about Solomon and vision mapping. Solomon defined hope as a well-founded and confident belief that a specific vision will be fulfilled within a specific amount of time. Hope that is fulfilled produces progress toward the goal, but hope that is deferred produces the opposite. We talked about how we should be deliberate when we make goals, and put down specifics and dates...that we have to do our part!!! During most of my training so far, I haven't put in the miles I really needed to...I've just put it off for one reason or another, and I was always the slowest at our training runs on Saturdays (and usually had to walk part of the time). Well, I worked hard to put in my miles this past week and I prayed that if this was part of His plan for my life to please give me the strength to do it...I was able to keep up with the group for once and I didn't walk at all. It was all Him!!! (because I know I couldn't do that on my own!)

Without Him, this would only be a dream...but with Him, this dream is becoming a reality!!

I can't wait to cross the finish line in a few weeks...I'll be praising the Lord the whole way!! And I can't wait to see what He has in store for me in the days, weeks, and years to come!!

Have a great week!!,

Friday, March 20, 2009

We usually get together with my parents, my Aunt Joy, Shannon, Matt, and Carter on Friday nights. This past Friday was so much fun...the babies were hilarious, so wild!! They were running around and screaming...I so enjoy watching them play together, and am so glad they have each other (they are, too...when they're away from each other for a while, you can tell that they miss the other).
Before Mimi and Grandaddy (or Andaddy as Mere and Carter call him) left, Mere wanted them to read to her. While they were reading to her...she started trying to pick the animals off the page. I've never seen her try to do that before, and it was so cute!! She just kept trying to pick them up :) See pic below

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Boots

Mimi got Meredith a new pair of boots, and she loves them!! Thanks so much Mimi!!! They're hot pink and have light up stars on the side...adorable!!! She's going to wear them for her upcoming pictures at Krista Lee Photography...we're so excited that Andrea will be taking her pictures again (she's the best!). We're also gonna get so family photos, and will attempt to get some pics of the babies together :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

We took Meredith down to Aunt Shannon & Uncle Matt's house on the 16th, so we could get some pictures of her and Carter. They were so funny, and they loved the pot of gold!!! Meredith noticed that Aunt Shannon really liked the Snickers, so she kept picking them out and taking them to her :)

Meredith thinks she's super strong!! She always tries to carry things that are bigger than she is. Here she is trying to carry a pampers box and the pot of gold.

Isn't he just the cutest little man you've ever seen!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Meredith has been extra loving lately!!! And we love it!!! She gives lots of kisses and hugs, and is just so snuggly!!

We let her finger paint again on the 1st. Matt showed her how to do hand prints...after that, that's all she wanted to do. After she painted a while, she started acting like she was going to put it in her mouth (I think she does this on purpose...when she knows she shouldn't do something, she acts like she's going to, to see how we'll react), so the paints went up...

She's been wanting her paci a lot, but we're still limiting it. She opens her mouth and points in when she wants it.

She still loves eating frozen veggies and frozen fruit!!!! We started giving it to her when she was teething (cause it felt good on her gums), but she still loves it and eats it so good!!

I had been wanting to take Meredith to Sweet & Sassy to have her hair trimmed, but Matt didn't want to. Well, now it's starting to grow more on top...she's starting to get bangs :) And she has the most beautiful little curls in the back!! I just can't cut them right now, they're adorable!!

Mere took her diaper off when she was in her bed on the 8th. She was supposed to be napping...I just happened to look at the monitor and notice that she didn't have it on (yes, I put her to bed in just a shirt and diaper...i was hoping she might want to use her potty when she got up. she did so well using it at first, but hasn't used it in a long time!!). She was so proud of herself, and just kept laughing!

Mere and Carter played with sidewalk chalk for the first time on the 9th. They loved it!! Mere was a little more interested in carrying around the container. Carter held on to two the whole time. Neither wanted to give up the chalk when it was time to go inside.

Mere had ham for the first time on the 8th...she loved it!! I think she's getting a little bored with her food, so I'm trying to give her some new things. Still trying to be very careful with what we give her. Still giving her organics (and I plan on forever!), and excluding eggs and things processed on shared equipment. She's never had candy, and doesn't eat many sweet things at all...I've made her cookies and organic cupcakes/muffins. We don't give her much juice, I'd rather her eat fruit instead. She loves raisins...her daddy found her the cutest little boxes of organic raisins (she thinks she's a big girl because she gets to carry around the box). We also recently gave her apple cinnamon granola...she loves it!!!

On the 13th, I reserved the Connector Building at Church for Mere's 2nd Birthday party!! :) I know it's a little early, but I wanted to make sure we got it!! Her party will be on Saturday, August 15th. Now, we just have to come up with a theme...

Tennessee Pediatrics

Mere caught a virus and her fever got up to 103.2 (highest it's ever been) on the 24th...we ran her some bath water and put her in for a little bit. She hated it!!, but it helped bring her temp down a little. I called Tennessee Pediatrics to see if I could get her in to see Dr. Holzen. She was off, but Dr. Lund was available. We got a 9:30 appt.

It was very overwhelming, but I'm so glad we went! The office that we used to take Mere to was very small, and they would take us right back. This place was huge, and there were kids everywhere, but I loved the doctor!! I talked to her about the incident with Mere's shots, and she said she doesn't need to come back until she's 2. After we got home, Dr Lund called the house. She saw a note I had put on her paperwork about being concerned about her limited speaking. I was so impressed that she took the time to call me!! She wants Mere to double her words over the next few months and begin using phrases. I told her that we read to her lots, but we're going to have to work even harder!! If she doesn't double her words, then she wants to see her before she's 2.

I've been worried about this for months! She didn't coo and babble very much, and she's usually pretty quiet. She doesn't even say 10 words on a regular basis right now. She definitely tries to talk more now that we're only letting her have her paci at naptime and bedtime. She knows so many things...she can show you lots of body parts (even her knees, elbows, fingers, and toes) and point out people. When you ask her to do things she will...she'll even get her cup and Carter's cup out of the fridge (and take to him) when asked. She just doesn't talk very much...especially to her mommy (which the doctor said is unusual...they usually talk more to their parents than anyone else, but not Meredith).


Meredith said animal for the first time on February comes out "amal"'s adorable!!! She also said "andaddy" for grandaddy :)

Mere's still having to go to time out...mostly for standing on the furniture. She makes us so nervous!!!

She started disliking bath time this used to make her so happy, it was one of her favorite things!! She cries and keeps standing up now.

Mere had some of an orange for the first time on the 6th...she loved it!!!

Mere stayed in Sunday School for the first time on the 8th. It's usually her nap time, so we don't usually stay. But we want her to know that it's very important. She didn't handle it very well today. She cried when we left her, but what broke my heart even more was when we picked her up...she was asleep in the nursery workers' arms and woke up crying as soon as she heard our voices. She was so upset...she cried the whole way out of Church and the whole way home. I guess she thought we weren't coming back for her.

Her eczema on her face has been really bad, so we've started putting Crisco on it...we heard that it works really good last time we were at the doctor's office. We'll try just about anything!

She loves coloring with crayons!!! I love seeing her sweet little drawings hanging up...I've got several at work, and they're all over the fridge.

Mere said banana several times on the was adorable!!! Most of the time she just says bu for banana.

Happy Valentines' Day!! Mimi watched Mere so we could go out for lunch together (we don't do that very often) was wonderful!! Matt took me to the Chop House...yummy!! Gigi Connie visited that was so good to see her!! She brought Meredith the cutest little outfit...she loved it, and kept carrying it around the house :) She seems to really like clothes lately...she loves touching them and carrying them cute!!

Meredith held onto one of my fingers and led me around the house on the 16th. It was so cute!!

She said Elmo incredibly sweet!!! It kinda sounds like Elma, but we definitely knew what she was saying.

I fell down the first flight of stairs with Mere on the 21st. I ran 6 miles that morning and my legs were stiff...not really sure how it all happened. I tried to hold on tight, but she still flew out of my arms when I hit the stairs...I felt awful about it all, but am so thankful she's ok!! Once we both had recovered from the experience, I pulled Mere's finger paints out...Mimi and Grandaddy got them for her for Valentines Day. She put it in her mouth first, bu then did great when I showed her what to do with them! She had so much fun, and I love looking at her artwork!! :)

She says "du de" for cute is that?

Mere said Mimi for the first time on the 27th :) Mimi and Grandaddy wanted to see Carter's glow in the dark they were taking him to the bathroom. I said Mere wanted to see them, too...well, it apparently scared her when they turned the lights out. She stared screaming and said mama and mimi...poor baby!! But we were so glad to hear another word!

I love that she lets me read to her!! I love listening to her talk and scream!! I love it when she walks up and hugs my legs!! I love her sweet kisses! If you can't tell...I just love that little girl!!! :)


Meredith has started talking so much more!! We love it!!! She has the sweetest little voice!! She still loves being read to. Some of her favorite books are Knuffle Bunny, Baby's First Bible, No More Paci for Piggy, Pinkalicious, The Big Red Barn, and Llama Llama Mad at Mama. She loves having her teeth brushed! She's becoming so independent...she tries to get in her highchair by herself now. She wants to do everything by baby's growing up so fast!!!

We let her take a blanky to bed for the first time on the 21st. She was very excited about it!!! And we let her take a stuffed animal to bed for the first time on the 25th. She slept with one of my favorite animals when I was a little girl...a little bunny named Pinky :)

Mere started throwing more toddler temper tantrums this month...not really sure what's the best way to handle them. We've been using her time out spot lots, and we've putting her in her bed some.

She shudders a lot when she thinks things are yucky or they scare her...fuzzies, bugs, and the clock mouse at Shannon & Matt's are just a few things that make her do it.

Every day with Meredith is a blessing! She is so amazing...I'm so thankful I was chosen to be her Mommy!!

Meredith - 17 month checkup

Mere had a checkup at Dr. Baggott's office today. I was so excited to spend the day with Mere (I was off work today). We woke up to a little bit of snow, so I took Mere out. I think she really liked it...she kept yelling "no"...It was adorable!! They didn't schedule her for a 15 month appointment (like she should have had), but instead scheduled her for one at 17 months. Our precious little girl weighs 20 lbs 11.5 oz (her weight is now in the 10th percentile), and her height is 31 (42nd percentile)...she's so tiny now!!!! She had to get 3 makes me so sad that she has to get them, but I know it's best for her. She did so well, though...just a few tears. She got 2 of the shots in her left leg, and it was really swollen this evening.
