Saturday, March 14, 2009

Meredith - 17 month checkup

Mere had a checkup at Dr. Baggott's office today. I was so excited to spend the day with Mere (I was off work today). We woke up to a little bit of snow, so I took Mere out. I think she really liked it...she kept yelling "no"...It was adorable!! They didn't schedule her for a 15 month appointment (like she should have had), but instead scheduled her for one at 17 months. Our precious little girl weighs 20 lbs 11.5 oz (her weight is now in the 10th percentile), and her height is 31 (42nd percentile)...she's so tiny now!!!! She had to get 3 makes me so sad that she has to get them, but I know it's best for her. She did so well, though...just a few tears. She got 2 of the shots in her left leg, and it was really swollen this evening.


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