Friday, December 21, 2007

December 21, 2007

Hello everyone! Well, I've been at work for two weeks now, and it's not as bad as I imagined it would be. Of course, I miss Meredith like crazy, and wish I could be with her every waking moment. She's actually getting into a routine, which is wonderful! We still have to let her cry herself to sleep, which is awful (but usually I get to miss it, because I'm getting in bed myself). She sleeps so good, when she finally goes to bed...and she wakes up in the best moods (I usually miss this, too since I get to work so early now), I'm so glad Matt gets to be there for it. She's been taking her bottle around the same times during the day, and most days has been taking a 3 hour nap...she never did that when I was off :) I really like my new work schedule...although, getting up at 4:30 is really hard, but I'm still nursing Meredith and want to get in a nursing before I leave.

She's growing so quickly...wish I could slow it down!! :) She rolled over for the first time on Monday, Dec 10th at 11:45 pm...I, of course, missed it because I was asleep...but she did it for me the next night and we got it on video. It's the cutest thing ever, I love watching her. And, before I went back to work I was showing her her feet, and now she's all about them...she's constantly playing with them, especially when we change her diaper. And, she's squeling really loud now...she's even scared herself a few times by being so loud. It's so cute hearing her. She loves it when we sing the pumpy umpy umpkin song to her...she gets the biggest smile on her face, it makes me so happy to see her so happy!!

Mere had a checkup at the doctor's office yesterday, and more shots...I was so worried after how she did with the last ones. However, this time she did so well! She barely cried, and has actually been in a really good mood since. She weighs 15 lbs 13 oz, and is 26 inches long. Her head measurement is 41 cm. The doctor said she is in the 90-95% percentile for height and weight (which means, she is bigger in height and weight than 90-95% of babies her age), and is in the 50% percentile for her head measurement. I'm still not planning on giving her any food until she's six months, and I'm going to attempt to make her baby food at that time...we'll see how that goes. They said she's doing great!!

I took the day off to spend with Meredith, since I was worried we wouldn't get any sleep last night...I actually wasn't feeling well and went to sleep at 7:30...and slept till around 8:30 this morning...well, I wasn't asleep the whole time, I got up with Meredith twice to nurse her, change her diaper, and give her more tylenol. But I was so exhausted, I guess I needed all that sleep. I feel much better today...but I'm still not sure if it's just allergies, or if I'm really getting sick. I've been wearing a mask when I nurse Meredith, I would hate to get her sick.

Well, I'm gonna go check on her...she's been taking a nap. And I've been trying to finish wrapping Christmas presents.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

December 06, 2007

Good morning!! Meredith has been sleeping so well for about two weeks now...ever since she got over the worst of her cold. Several nights she's slept 9 hours straight :) I'm so thankful she's sleeping better because I have to go back to work tomorrow. I'm so glad I was able to take off for 16 weeks to be home with her, but I think it almost has made it harder. I've so enjoyed being with her every day and night, it's going to be so hard to leave her. I'm going to start working a more flexible schedule at work...I'll be going in at 6:30 and leaving at 3:30...that will give me a little more time with her before she goes to bed. We had a trial run on Monday...I got up and got ready like I would for work, and Matt took Mere to Nana's. I picked her up after my doctor's appointment. She was such a good girl, and was so happy...knowing that made me feel better. I only cried a little bit that morning and I was so proud of myself for how well I did. However, every day since then I've cried more. I'm just so worried that I'm going to miss so much!!

Meredith isn't talking to us as much as she was before she got sick...not sure if she lost her voice or if it was uncomfortable to talk. She talks every once in a while now, but not for long. I've been so worried about it, I hope she starts talking to us again like she used to.

Just wanted to make a quick posting...I'm gonna go check to see if Meredith is awake, I want to spend every waking minute with her today!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November 14, 2007

Meredith slept really good for two nights...on Sunday night, she even slept 7.5 was awesome!!! However, last night she decided she didn't want to sleep again. I didn't feel good, so not being able to go to sleep made me feel even worse. I think it's allergies, but I want to make sure, so I've been staying away from everyone. I was supposed to go visit Joy, Nana, and Papa yesterday, but decided I better not. Shannon is being induced on Friday, and I don't want to keep anyone from being able to be there. I so hope I get to feeling better so I can go...I'm not gonna take any chances, if I'm not feeling 100% I won't go. It will kill me if I can't be there, but it would make me feel even worse if I got any of them sick, especially Carter. I will cry all day if I can't go...I've been looking forward to it for so long.

Meredith has been talking a lot lately, and recently to the's so funny!! She is also trying to sit up, if you have her leaned back in your arms...she thinks she's a big girl! We took her to Morrison's last Friday for pictures, and they have just been posted for viewing...she looks beautiful!!!! It's going to be so hard to choose...I want them all!!! If anyone wants to take a look at them, they are at (Select Login, enter Hayes, and then click on the link to view Meredith's pictures).

Well, I'm gonna go play with my little sweet pea! Have a wonderful evening!!! Next time I get on, I'll have pictures of sweet baby Carter to post...can't wait!!! :)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 11, 2007

Good morning!! Meredith still isn't sleeping very well, so I'm gonna call the doctor back in the morning to see if she has any more suggestions, or wants us to bring her in. She did a little better last night...we finally got her to go to sleep at 12:30, and she slept till 5:30. I'm worried that she's not getting enough sleep. We took Mere to Morrison's on Friday (to have her three month pictures, and to make family Christmas pictures). We can't wait to see's going to be so hard to choose. She wore her dedication dress for her three month pictures, and she looked beautiful!!! She was in such a good mood, so I think they probably got some great pictures of her smiling. She wore one of her Christmas dresses for our family Christmas pictures...she was starting to fall asleep, so I'm not sure how they will look. Once she fell asleep, they wanted to get more pictures of her with her clothes off (all she had on was a gold bracelet, gold ring, socks, and shoes)...she looked so precious, and they said it was so rare to get one like that. I just can't wait to see them!!!!! Thanks Meepmers for the dresses and accessories!!! I only have four weeks left with my baby before I have to return to work...I'm so sad about having to leave her! I'm going to be a mess, but I'm sure Mere will be a happy girl with Nana, Papa, and Joy...they will love on her all day, and give her lots of attention (which she loves!), so it helps knowing that she will be with family and will be well taken care of. I am going to miss her so much...I'm so thankful that I've gotten this much time off with her, but I think it also makes it a little harder since I have been with her so long. I hardly remember what life without her was like...Meepmers watched her last night while we had a date night, and I think I talked about her the whole time we were gone...what did I talk about before?? Not really sure. We got a few things for her for Christmas, and it was so much fun!! This Christmas is going to be so different, it will be wonderful!!!

Shannon is going to be induced this Friday at 5:00 am, if Carter hasn't made an appearance before that time. We can't wait!!! She is planning to work Monday-Wednesday, and for a little while on Thursday. Come see us baby Carter!!! I can't wait to see you, and hold you. And Meredith is so excited!!!...she is going to love looking at you!! :) Please keep Matt, Shannon, and Baby Carter in your prayers this week!!

Well, I'm gonna get in there and play with my Mere Bear! Hope you all have a wonderful week! -Shanda

Thursday, November 1, 2007

November 01, 2007

Hello Everyone!!! When I made my last posting, I said I was going to do better about adding things to the website, but I really haven't. I've been working on updates to the site all day today.

Meredith is taking a nap right now, and she looks so sweet!!! She went to the doctor for her first shots last was awful!! She was in so much pain later that night, and her poor little legs were all red and swollen. When they weighed her, she was 12 lbs 2.5 oz...the doctor said that was a big weight gain for only 3 weeks...not sure what I can do about that, the girl's gotta eat. She is really getting big, she's outgrowing so many things, and is so chubby's so cute!!! I love being home with her, and try not to think about having to go back to work...I will miss her so much!!! She is cooing so much now, and Matt actually thinks she said dada...we have it on video, but I'm pretty sure she didn't. It was so cute, though...he kept calling people and playing the video over the phone.

Ever since Mere had her shots, her sleeping schedule has been off. She wants to stay up all night, and keep me first I thought she had colic, but now I'm thinking it's reflux. She will only stop screaming if we sit her straight up and bounce her, or if I'm nursing her. We started giving her Mylecon drops last night, and she actually had a better night (only one short screaming fit), so I'm not sure if it was the Mylecon or just a coincidence. The nurse at the pediatrician's office said it could be a number of things...she gave me some suggestions, but said she was probably going through a growth spurt (that they usually do between 2 1/2 and 3 months). I hope she starts sleeping better soon because I have to go back to work in 5 weeks :(

My sister is due very soon (on the 18th)...I can't wait till Carter comes, today would be nice!! I'm selfishly wanting him to come soon, so I can have more time with him before I have to go back to work. She talked to her doctor yesterday, and if she hasn't had him before, she'll be induced on the would be neat if he came then, because me and Shannon were born on May 16th and Meredith was born on August 16th. I just can't wait to see him and hold him!!! And Meredith can't wait for her buddy to get here...they are going to be so cute together!!! We love you Carter!!!

Well, Meredith has woken up now...she's in her bouncer and is smiling at me and kicking her legs. I'm gonna go play with her now...maybe she'll be good for tummy time (she's getting a little better, but still doesn't really care for it).


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October 10, 2007

Hello Everyone!! Sorry it's been so long since my last journal entry...I've been busy with Miss Meredith. Being a mother is the most wonderful thing in the world!!! Meredith is the most beautiful and sweetest baby ever (all mothers probably think that, but she really is) :) I love it when she smiles at me, I just melt (and it brings tears to my eyes). It's so amazing to know that I helped create her...I thank God for her daily!!! She truly is a blessing!!! I'm so thankful He has given her to me to take care thankful!!!

We had to take her to the doctor last week for a rash...turns out it was contact dermatitis from the lavendar in the Johnson's Bedtime Washcloths...the lavendar apparently is hard on babies skin...who knew? They weighed her, and she was 10 lbs 8 oz - yeah!! So glad she's gaining more...she's really looking different now. She's sleeping better at night, and we're finally getting more use out of the pack & play. I usually nurse her around 9:30, and then she goes to sleep until around 2:30, and isn't up again until about 6:30...yeah!! So thankful for more sleep!! But I love waking up to her, no matter how many times it is!!

Meredith smiles all the time now and has been giggling more. She's also cooing some, too. The first time we noticed it was when my dad was talking to her...there must be something about his voice that she loves because she does it a lot to him. It's so cute!!! My mom is still coming over every Monday (on her day off) to spend time with us, and we love it!! We missed seeing her when she was sick with a cold...Monday's just weren't as fun!

Meredith has really been picking up her head, too. And she's rolling onto her side...hasn't rolled all the way over, yet...her arm gets in the way. She tries so hard, and gets so upset that she can't turn over. We've been trying to put her on her tummy more, but she hates it! She thinks it's time to nurse and starts crying after a short time. I still put her down on her stomach a few times a day, just doesn't last long.

I'm going to try to do better about updating the website...I've been slacking the past 8 sorry! Can't believe my little girl will be 8 weeks on seems like I just had her. I'm going to miss her so much when I have to go back to work...luckily I still have 8 more weeks to bond with her.

Well, I'm gonna get off here now, and go play with sweet Meredith! She's been in her bouncy seat for a little while while I've been on the computer, and I think is ready for a change in scenery.


Thursday, September 6, 2007

September 06, 2007

Meredith had another appointment on Tuesday, and she has started to gain more weight...such a relief. She weighs 8 lbs 5.5 oz. I was so worried that she was still gaining slowly...she looks so tiny to me, but the appointment went great. Meredith doesn't go back to the doctor until she's two month's old.

Her umbilical cord stump came off on Monday had been looking like it was going to come off for days. I was so excited when it finally came off!! She has the cutest little belly button!!! :)

We had a great night last night. We got her a "swaddle me" and turned on her mommy bear, and they really helped. The night before, she wasn't having the best night...she didn't want to go to sleep, and was fussing in her pack and play. I didn't want her to wake Matt, so I took her into the den...I fell asleep with her laying on top of me on the couch...I freaked out when I woke up three hours later. I had just planned on holding her until she fell asleep, and then I was going to put her in her swing to sleep, but I was so exhausted that I fell asleep too.

Can't believe she's three weeks old has gone by so fast!!! It makes me sad...I still have 13 more weeks with her before I have to go back to work, but I'm sure they'll go by as fast as the last 3. I'm not going to be ready to leave her!!

I was so upset yesterday when I found out that the video from my false alarms and from Meredith in the hospital had been taped over...I cried all afternoon. I'm not sure how that happened, but it just made me sick. Luckily, we have plenty of pictures of everything, but I was so upset about not having the video :(

She is the sweetest baby!!! She loves to snuggle and be rocked. She's more amazing than I imagined...such a miracle!! I love her so much more than I thought was possible!!!!!

Matt is such a great dad!!! He only got a week off of work, so I know it had to be really hard to go back to work so soon. He's always so excited to come home every afternoon to see her. I love watching him with her. I love him more now than ever!! I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and precious little girl!

Well, I'm gonna get off here and go snuggle with my baby!! :)


Monday, August 27, 2007

GROWTH CHART - August 27, 2007 (1.5 weeks old)

20 inches tall
7 pounds, 12 ounces

Since Meredith is gaining weight slowly, Dr. Baggott wants to see her back again in a week.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August 22, 2007

Hello!!! I, first of all, want to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers!!! We appreciate the visits, flowers, and meals!! We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives!!! Everyone has been so good to us!! Thank you Shannon for making updates on our website for us while we were in the hospital!!!

Meredith is almost a week old...can't believe it!!! She is such a miracle!! I could watch her for hours!! She is such a good baby; we're so lucky!!! She is beautiful!!! The prettiest baby I've ever seen!!!...but I guess all mothers say that. We're still trying to decide who she looks more like...we're thinking she's a good combination of both of us :) The hearing test and all the other tests they completed on her at the hospital came back with great results. (Her APGAR scores were an 8, 9).

The hospital stay was great...we had some wonderful nurses that took good care of Meredith and me. There were lots of babies born the end of last week, so we got moved around the hospital a few times. We started out on the 5th floor, and were moved to the 3rd after recovery. Then, we got moved to the 4th floor...we really enjoyed being on the 4th floor because Matt could go get Meredith out of the nursery anytime...we didn't have to call for her to be brought down to our room. My doctor said I could stay in the hospital until Monday if I wanted, but I decided on Sunday night that I was ready to go home. We packed everything up, and they got the discharge orders for me and Meredith ready, and we left the hospital around 5:00.

She was so good in the hospital, barely crying at all...even when she was in the nursery. We expected things to be the same when we came home. Wow...we were not prepared for Sunday night. We both were tired and Meredith started crying around 1:00...nothing we did made her feel better. We're thinking the pizza I had for dinner did not agree with her...I was trying to be careful with things that might not agree with her, but I really didn't think the pizza would cause that to happen. Luckily my mom stayed with us that night, and she stayed up with her for a while, so that we could get a few hours of sleep.

Meredith had hiccups for the first time on Monday. We thought it would make her cry, but it didn't...she was so cute. They didn't last very long.

On Monday night, my grandmother stayed with us in case it wasn't the pizza and Meredith was going to be a colicky baby. But, everything was perfect...she woke up for feedings about every 2 hours. But with her sleeping in between each feeding we were able to get some sleep. I told Matt that I could totally handle it, if every night was like that.
Meredith had her first sponge bath on Tuesday. She only cried for a few minutes. We put her little bathrobe on her, and she looked precious. She smelled so yummy!!! Matt said it washed the brown off her hair :) In some lights her hair looks light brown and in others it looks blonde. I was really expecting her to have dark brown hair since mine is so dark.

Matt just brought Meredith in here...she had been sleeping for a while, and has just woken up. Better go now, I don't want to miss much of her being awake. I love getting to see her beautiful eyes (they're kind-of a blue grey color right now); she sleeps so much that I so look forward to her waking up and opening her eyes real big.

Hope you all have a great rest of the day!! Thank you for thinking of us!! We all are doing really well!!! I'll try to post more pictures soon.


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hayes' Family Update August 18, 2007

Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on how the Hayes' family is doing after the arrival of sweet Meredith! Meredith is beautiful as ever, of course! : ) She is doing great- she sleeps a lot and only cries for short periods of time...hopefully that will continue when they get home! : ) Last night Shanda and Matt were able to get more sleep, but I know they're still exhausted. Shanda started experiencing more pain yesterday...especially last night. She feels ok when her medicine is working, but as soon as it wears off she is in pretty bad pain- please keep her in your prayers! They will probably be coming home sometime tomorrow or Monday. I'll try to continue posting updates and pictures until they get settled at home.

Thank you all so much for your thoughts, prayers, and visits to the hospital!


Sunday, August 12, 2007

August 12, 2007

Hello everyone!! Meredith still hasn't made an appearance, and we are so anxiously waiting to see her!!!

At our last appointment (9th), the doctor said I was dilated to about a 3 and had thinned out even more (at the previous appointment I was 80% effaced, so it's even greater than that now). We scheduled another ultrasound and appointment for this coming Thursday. Our doctor said she really didn't think I would last that long, but we set up the appointments just in case.

I had another false alarm this past Wednesday...thought my water had broken again!! Everyone says you'll know if it really happens, but we really thought again that it had. Our doctor said she would have sent me to the hospital to get checked out, that made me feel a little better. Hopefully that was the last false alarm, and the next time we go to the hospital it will be the real thing. I was so disappointed after our last trip to the hospital, that I cried the whole way home. I'm so ready to see our precious baby, and ready to not be pregnant (and be rid of this diet).

I was having pretty consistent contractions for a few hours yesterday, about every 4 minutes...but they weren't getting stronger, and were in my abdomen, not starting in my back. We were getting excited thinking that maybe something would happen soon, but the contractions stopped last night. We went to the grocery store, and got lots of snacks to take to the hospital (whenever we go) and things for me when I get back home...I got blueberry muffin mix, brownie mix, skittles, and some mountain dew...just a few of the things that I can't wait to have!!! I've been making a list for weeks now of all the things I've gotta have, as soon as Miss Meredith is born :)

We were able to go to Shannon's 4D ultrasound yesterday; I had really been looking forward to it, and wasn't sure if I would make it. He was precious!!! Just like Meredith, he didn't fully cooperate, but they were able to get a few really great pictures!!! Hope your mommy and daddy select a name soon...can't wait to find out what they decide on!!! :)

Well, maybe today will be the day...we'll make sure to keep everyone informed of my progress. I just can't believe that tomorrow is my due, the past few months have gone by so fast!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!! Please keep us and sweet Meredith in your prayers over the next few days!!


Monday, July 23, 2007

False Alarm!!! July 23, 2007

The shower yesterday was wonderful!!! I was so excited that Matt was able to go with me! We had a great time; everything was perfect!! It was so good to see everyone, I haven't been to Shelbyville much during the pregnancy...due to the horrible morning (really all day) sickness and complete exhaustion.

After the shower, Matt stayed in Shelbyville for his tennis tournament, and I came home. We finished getting all the gifts in the house, and my family had all gone home....I was standing in the kitchen trying to decide what I was going to have for dinner when all of a sudden I'm all wet and standing in a small puddle. It happened so fast...I was stunned. I called my mom and told her I thought my water broke. I wasn't sure, but that's how I always imagined it would be. I called Matt's phone next; he was on the tennis court, but his mom answered his phone...I told her that I thought my water had broken, and she went to get him. He said he was on his way, that he would meet me at the hospital. I grabbed a few extra things that I thought I might need, and did a few things around the house real quick. Shannon and Matt came to pick me up, and we headed to the hospital. Shannon even used our video camera to tape some of the action. On the way to the hospital, I started having contractions...which began in my back and came around, which is what is supposed to happen when you're in true labor. We went to the 8th floor for assessment, and they took me straight to a room. Matt, his mom, and some of my family arrived shortly after we did. They would only allow Matt in my room at first, when they did some swab tests to determine if my water had in fact broken. They hooked me up to some monitors, and we could even see my contractions registering. The swab tests did not indicate my water had broken, so the nurse did another one because she also thought it had broken...this also indicated that it had not broken. However, they found ketones in my urine sample...ketones are present when you haven't had enough to eat, and your body starts burning fat. They brought me a tray of food and juice to try to get rid of the ketones, and continued monitoring me...they said ketones can actually cause contractions, so they kept having me eat and drink to try to get them to stop. Some of the contractions were really strong...can't imagine what real labor would feel like because these Braxton Hicks contractions hurt!! I was still only dilated to 2...they said I'm in the first stage of labor, but who knows how long it will last. I asked what might have happened, since I had been standing in a puddle...they said she may have hit my bladder...pretty embarrassing!! :) We had a waiting room full of people hoping to see sweet Meredith (my family was there, Matt's family drove in from Shelbyville, and the best man at our wedding even came)...I felt so bad that everyone came for nothing. I was really sad when I was sent home...I had been so excited when I thought I was in labor, and would see my little girl soon. After being at the hospital for several hours, I was discharged (attached is a picture of me and Matt when we were leaving the hospital). They told me to take some Tylenol PM to help me get some sleep, and to help with the pain of the contractions. We picked some up on the way home, and both took some to help us sleep.

I've had more Braxton Hicks contractions today, none as painful as last night, but I have had a little bit of back pain tonight. I'm so afraid that I won't know when it's the real thing...that I'll think it's just false labor again. Hopefully, no more false alarms! :)


Saturday, July 21, 2007

July 21, 2007

Good morning!!! I can't usually sleep late on Saturday's, so I'm not surprised to be up at 6:00 :) I feel pretty good this morning, just nauseous as usual. I slept great last night, and am ready to get started on lots of things I want to finish around the house. Matt is playing in a tennis tournament, and has matches today, and I've decided to stay here.

We had another appointment yesterday, and it went very well! Found out that I'm now dilated to 2 and 70-80% effaced. I was hoping for more progress than that, but at least it was something. :) Meredith's heartbeat sounded great, and we'll be going back next Thursday for an ultrasound to get an estimate of her weight. I pray that she hasn't gained too much; I haven't gained very much during the pregnancy, so I hope that's a good sign. I feel like she may be gaining and me losing, though. We have another appointment after the ultrasound; hopefully, things will be even further along next week :) Also, found out that I'm positive for Group B strep, which I wasn't seems like most things you can get during a pregnancy, I've had. Our doctor said it was very rare for your baby to catch it if they were carried full term, and Monday is 37 weeks (considered full term), but please keep this in your prayers!!

We have our last shower in Shelbyville tomorrow. The doctor said I would be fine to go. I'm excited!! Just hoping I don't get too exhausted; Matt may be able to go with me, depending on how the tournament is going. I want him to win his matches, but I also want him to be there with me and Meredith :) I'll try to post shower pictures on Sunday night, or early next week.

Meredith has been getting under my ribs a lot lately, which hurts extremely bad! She's also been sitting on a nerve, which causes a pain to shoot through my body, and sometimes makes my legs go numb...really scared me the first time it happened! I'm still having swelling in my feet and ankles...see the attached picture :) And, I've hit the nesting phase; for the past week or two, I've been staying up really late trying to get some things done. I've actually had more energy lately than I've had the whole pregnancy. My blood sugar levels have been really good; I'm trying to keep them much lower than my limit. I've been feeling really good most days! I'm just getting so inpatient...I can't wait to see my precious baby!! And, I'm also looking forward to no more diet (I've made a list of all the things I want), and wearing my contacts again :)

Well, I'm gonna get started on my to-do list for today! Have a wonderful weekend!!!


Thursday, July 12, 2007

July 12, 2007

Hope everyone is having a great week!!

We had a doctor's appointment today, and found out that I'm dilated a loose 1 and 70% effaced. My doctor said it was a very good start! It's very exciting!!! We go back next Friday for another appointment, and we'll set up the ultrasound appointment then (for the next week). The doctor said it was fine if I go into labor before we have the ultrasound, it will just be less weight that Meredith can put on :) Also, my doctor checked and it appears that she is head first, so that's great!!

We had our Newborn Care class tonight, where we went over basic care such as bathing and diapering. It was pretty informative...I've really enjoyed all of our classes. I was glad that this one was short because I was really tired, and so ready to come home. My blood sugar levels for the most part have been pretty good...After dinner last Saturday; however, it was really high (after eating only two bowls of cereal - a bowl of Cheerios and a bowl of Rice Chex, both with Splenda). I was really shocked, and it scared me, so I've been checking my blood sugar every day now. I just want to try to keep it as low as I can, so hopefully Meredith's will be fine when she's born.

My scrapbook shower is this Saturday; I can't wait, it will be so much fun working on pages for Meredith's baby book!! I'm so excited to have family and friends help me work on it; it will make it that much more special!!!

I've been feeling pretty good, just tired. I had morning sickness last Friday and Saturday. Also, my feet have been swelling really bad!!! Last night, they felt really tight and hurt when I walked. I tried to prop them up today, and I think it helped a tiny bit...they're still swollen, though :)

Well, I better get to bed; it's getting late!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

July 02, 2007

We have been so busy the last few weeks!! We've had prenatal classes, and showers, and have been busy trying to get everything ready for sweet Meredith.

This past Friday, I had some cramping and back pain, and very frequent trips to the restroom...I called and talked to the nurse and she thought I may have a bladder infection. They wanted me to come in; my doctor was off that day, so I saw another doctor. He said there were no signs of pre-term labor, and the culture didn't show any signs of infection. I was glad...still didn't explain the weird symptoms I had, but they were gone the next day. I was supposed to take it easy this weekend, which is very hard for me to do...I really didn't relax as much as I should have :)

We had our labor and delivery classes on Friday and Saturday. They were very informative!!!!! and actually scared me. Before, I was a little nervous, but now I'm really scared....about everything!!! We went on another tour of the hospital, and they took us by the nursery again...those babies were so precious!!! I can't wait to see my precious little girl!!! I can't wait till she's here with us, even though I'm terrified about getting her here :) Oh, and during class the guys had to wear the sympathy was great! Matt said it was hard to breathe in it :)

Today was such a wonderful day!!! Me and my mom went with Shannon and Matt to their ultrasound appointment. I was so excited that they asked me to go!!! They found out that they're having a boy!!! We're all so excited!!! Meredith was very active during the ultrasound...she's just as excited about Baby Baskin as the rest of us are!! The ultrasound pictures were so cute!!!! Can't wait to find out what name they decide on, and how they are going to decorate the nursery. And I can't wait for the 4D ultrasound...just hope I can go, their first one will probably be very close to my due date.

I'm feeling pretty good today, and my blood sugar levels have been great!! We have our next appointment on Friday!! Well, it's getting late so I better get to bed, but I'll hopefully have more pictures loaded soon.


Sunday, June 17, 2007

June 17, 2007

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend!! I was so busy this week that I didn't get around to posting a journal, so this one is longer than usual.

We had another doctor's appointment on Monday and it went very well...the doctor is only having me test three days a week now, which is wonderful!! We go back again on the 22nd for another checkup. I had a checkup on my thyroid also; as long as my bloodwork is fine, I won't have to go back again till after Meredith is born.

We had our first prenatal class, and have our next one this coming Thursday (infant cpr). I'm glad we're able to go to this one. I'll feel better knowing how to do it. Our last class was really informative, so I'm sure this one will be really great, too!! Can't wait!!

I had my first shower this was a complete surprise!!! I was going to a meeting that had been scheduled, and it turned out to be a baby shower. They all did such a wonderful job putting it together!!! It was so much fun!!! We got some awesome gifts for Meredith, and the food and company were great! I love playing shower games, so I was excited that we played a few. Also, everyone left advice for was so much fun reading their advice! Thanks so much to everyone that had a part in it!! It meant so much to me!!

On Saturday, we had our second 4D ultrasound! I had a little bit of morning sickness, but was excited to have some cherry coke before our appointment...i skipped breakfast and my snack to have the coke hoping that it would get Meredith moving around a lot. She cooperated better than last time, but we still didn't get the best pictures of her face...she kept tilting her head back. She's beautiful!!! She smiled a lot this time...I hope she continues to do that because she looked so cute and happy!! She also stuck out her tongue a lot (we included one of the pictures under the 2nd 4D ultrasound section) and it was so funny!!! It was so exciting to get to see her again. We can't wait till she's here!!!

We have our Nashville shower this next weekend; I"m so excited about it, and can't wait to have another piece of cake and some punch...yum!! :)

I've been feeling pretty good!! I'm having some back pain and a little swelling in my feet, but nothing too bad...and my eyes have been bothering me (I think they're just really dry and when I put my contacts in they get irritated, so I've been wearing my glasses a lot).

Hope you all have a wonderful week!! Please keep us and sweet Meredith in your prayers throughout the next few weeks as we get closer to our due date!


Sunday, June 3, 2007

June 03, 2007

I hope everyone has had a great weekend!! We've been busy working on the nursery, and we love how everything is looking!! (new pictures have been added). Also, we went on a tour of the birth unit at Centennial Women's Hospital yesterday - it was so exciting!! We thought the rooms were really nice. They even let me pre-register; that will make things so much easier the day I go into labor. I also signed us up for a few more classes at Centennial - two this month, and one next. They sounded like they would be really good, and the lady that led our tour teaches some of them...she was really great, so I hope she's our instructor.

I've been doing ok with my diet; I've only gone over my limit once...and I completely know why...I overdid it with some cheese pizza, but it was so good!!!!!!!

I've taken off work this week, and I'm so excited!!! I've got a very long list of things I want to get done around the house. Also, my parents and grandparents have rented cabins at Cumberland Mountain State Park, so I'm planning on going up around the middle of the week...and Matt will join us this weekend. It will be good to get some rest, and I've got to work on Meredith's blanky...I want to finish it before she gets here :)

I hope everyone has a great week!!


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

May 23, 2007

This past weekend was really hard on me; it was so hard to stick to my diet, and I was really upset about it...but I survived, and my blood levels were great!! It's so much easier to follow during the week.

We had another doctor's appointment on Monday, and it went great!! We got to hear Meredith's heartbeat again...I love hearing it!!! The doctor checked all my blood levels, and told me I was doing really good. She said if they continue to be as good at my next appointment, she'll let me test less often - that would be wonderful!! I really don't like pricking my finger!!! She measured my stomach, and said it measured perfect. I will now be going every two weeks...except this next, I'll be on vacation, and the doctor will be out most of that week. So we will be going for our next appointment on June 11th. We signed up for our prenatal classes, and can't's a two day class, June 29th and 30th.

We have our next 4D ultrasound on June 16th - I can't wait to see how much she's changed...hopefully, we can get a really good look at her sweet face.

Only 12 weeks till my due date...I'm getting really excited, and a little nervous.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

May 17, 2007

This week has been much better than last week was. I've been really tired this week, but I feel so good about my blood sugar levels. It takes me a long time to plan out my meals and snacks each day, but making sure I do this right to take care of my precious baby girl is all that matters. I still get hungry occasionally, but it has been much better than I was thinking it would be.

Yesterday, me and Shannon celebrated our 26th, can't believe we're 26. :) We had a wonderful dinner last night with our family at Olive Garden....I was so excited to get my favorite, Chicken Parmesan. It was so good!!! I just skipped the bread sticks, and only had a small bite of my birthday cake, and my blood sugar was great afterwards. I'm so thankful I can still enjoy some of my favorite things!!

The nursery is so close to being finished. We still have a little bit of painting to do, and we've got to hang the pictures and butterfly...oh, and we have to get the curtains, and the rug that matches the bedding. I love the curtains we picked out...they are pink silk, and are so pretty!!! The rug is really great, too!! Can't wait to get them!!

Meredith has been very active the last few days. The other day I felt some extremely strong kicks (they almost hurt!), and I could see her arm or leg kinda sticking was really weird, but really awesome!! Every day I get more anxious...I can't wait to see my baby girl. The sickness and the exhaustion have not been fun, but it will all be worth it when I have her in my arms.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

May 09, 2007

Well, today has not been the best day for me. My test results finally came in, and I found out that I have gestational diabetes. I was pretty upset about it. I'm not worried about myself, I'm just worried about Meredith. I didn't have much of an appetite today, I think I was just so scared to eat because I don't know what is ok to have; I just don't want to cause her to have any problems. It's a lot of pressure! The nurse is going to set me up an appointment for training at a Diabetes Center. I'll have to test my blood several times a day. Hopefully, I'll be able to manage it with diet alone.

On a positive note, I feel my little girl moving more each day. It makes me so happy! I love her so much already, and would do anything for her!!!


Saturday, May 5, 2007

3D/4D Ultrasound - #1 May 05, 2007

Today was so amazing!!!! First of all, I want to thank my mom (so much!!!!!) for the gift certificate (for two ultrasounds). We had the first one today, and it was just incredible. We had a big breakfast, and made our way to Focused Imaging in the pouring down rain. My mom, Shannon and her husband Matt, and Gigi Connie went with us to the appointment. At first, all we could see were arms and legs...she was all balled up. For most of the appointment, she had her arms in front of her face. We tried everything to get her to move - I was rolling from side to side, and pushing on my stomach...and walking up and down the hall, and they even gave me some Hi-C to drink. We got to see a few really good glimpses of her beautiful face, and even got to see her smile. The man doing the ultrasound was so funny - he said she looked really healthy for a 25 week old baby, and was talking about her cheeks. He was right...she had some chubby little cheeks :)

Still haven't heard the results of the glucose test. Hopefully, they will come back ok. I've been feeling pretty good lately, and have been feeling her move around more and more each day...I started keeping track of her movements at work. I've counted at least 10 just while I've been at work every day I even felt her move 16 times. It's wonderful!!!


Sunday, April 29, 2007

April 29, 2007

On Thursday morning, I found out that I did not pass my glucose test. The cutoff is 140, and I was at 143. I scheduled the next glucose tolerance test for the next day at 8:00. I also found out that I'm anemic, and had to start taking an iron supplement. Thursday night was not very good - it's been a long time since I've been that sick at night...lately it's just been in the morning if I even get sick. I was worried about getting dehydrated since I couldn't have anything to drink after midnight. I probably was so sick because I was worried about the test.

I was so glad my mom was able to go with me on Friday, and I'm so glad I was able to get off for the day. The appointment lasted three hours. When I got there, they took my blood, and then I had to drink the glucola; it was twice as sweet as last time, and I barely got it all down in 5 minutes. I don't even like thinking about it - it was really yucky!!! After drinking the glucola, they tested my blood one, two, and three hours later. I am really worried about it; I hope the results come back ok.

We worked on some touch-ups in the nursery today...just a few left!! :) I love the way everything has turned out! We'll probably order the bedding soon; I can't wait to get it and the furniture!!

I'm feeling Meredith move around lots...she was really active again during church; Shannon, Matt, and my grandmother got to feel her kick. :)


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

April 25, 2007

We had another appointment on Monday, and it went great. I had my glucose test, and will hopefully get the results back soon. I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to keep the Glucola down, since I'm still getting sick occasionally. I had heard that it tasted like flat orange soda, and it really did. I had no problem drinking it within the 5 minutes allowed, and I felt fine for a while. Then, when my hour was almost up, I started feeling dizzy; I was so worried that I would pass out...Matt was worried too...he kept fanning me with a huge magazine. Anyways, I never passed out, and they got my blood drawn...they also drew some to check my thyroid function. I'm praying that both tests come back ok. We got to hear our precious little girl's heartbeat's incredible!! I love hearing it!!!

Matt got to feel her kick for the first time on Sunday. I think he was shocked at how powerful her little kick was, he jerked his hand back. She was very active when the choir was singing at church. Shannon also got to feel her kick on Tuesday night during American Idol. She must really like hearing people sing!! It's unfortunate that I can't carry a tune in a bucket. :) I feel her moving around a lot now; it just makes me so happy!!

Oh, we've decided on a name. Thank you all for taking the time to vote on the names we posted! We actually chose one that we didn't put on there. Her name will be Meredith Grace :)

Our two-year anniversary is coming up next week. I can't believe that it's been two years; it has gone by so fast!!! I am so blessed! I have such a wonderful husband!! Matt is so good to me, and has taken such good care of me during the pregnancy, since I've been so sick. I know he's going to be a great father!!!


Sunday, April 15, 2007

April 15, 2007

Everything is going really well!! I'm feeling good; I still don't have much energy, but I feel so much better.

The nursery is coming along; most of the painting is finished - as soon as it's complete, we'll go pick up the furniture :) We've changed our mind so much on the bedding, but I think we've finally decided. It's the Grace Collection from Pottery Barn Kids - it's simple, but very pretty! The colors are pink, green, and white.

I will be having glucose screening done at my next appointment (23rd); I'm a little nervous about it. I hope it all goes well, and I hope the stuff I have to drink isn't too bad. Also, my mom bought us a gift certificate for two 4D ultrasounds at a place in Goodlettsville. We are having the first one done on May 5th - we can't wait!! This should really give us a good idea about what our little girl will look like.

I keep waking up in the middle of the night thinking about baby names. Addison and Matilynne are still our favorites, but I can't decide...


Monday, April 2, 2007

April 02, 2007

Over the past few weeks I've thought I felt the baby move a few times, but wasn't positive. However, I am positive that I felt her move last Wednesday; I was so excited to know for sure!! I've felt her move every day since then...not a lot, but a few times a day. I feel her the most around lunchtime and bedtime. It's so amazing!! I had heard that it felt like a flutter, but it didn't really feel like that to was just really weird!! :)

We're working on picking out a name for our little girl (I have a book of over 100,000 names, and I finally finished looking through the girl names last night), and working on the nursery. We had a voicemail last Monday that our furniture is already in...we thought it would be several more weeks. And, we had a voicemail today that our glider is in!!...I wanted to go get it tonight, but we couldn't make it before they stopped their pickups. Matt is working on painting the room...he's got to finish in the next few days because we're having new carpet put in the nursery on Friday. Getting everything ready for our baby girl's arrival is so much fun!

My mom bought us the cutest bunny lamp for the will look great with the bunny mobile that we registered for. We're going to recover the shade to match whatever bedding we finally decide on.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ultrasound Appointment - March 27, 2007

Yesterday started out pretty rough. I woke up and started getting sick at 4:30, and couldn’t keep anything down for several hours. I was finally able to keep some Coke down, and it made me feel a little better. This was definitely not how I had pictured the morning. I was so excited, but also nervous about the ultrasound. There have been no problems so far with the pregnancy, but I was so worried that we might find out something was wrong. Once we were taken back and the ultrasound began, I was able to relax a little. I was so glad my mom and Shannon were able to go with us!!

The baby was very active; I’m sure it was because of the Coke I had. It was so incredible watching the baby kick and move around; I really can’t find the words to describe what I was feeling. After all the measurements were taken, the lab tech told us that we were having a girl. Matt had me convinced that we were having a boy, so I think I’m still so shocked that it’s a girl. I’m very excited!!

When we got home from shopping and beginning our registry, our front porch had been decorated by my Aunt Lori…there were pink balloons and a teddy bear with a pink bottle. It was so sweet!!

Thank you all for sharing in this wonderful experience with us!!


Sunday, March 25, 2007

March 25, 2007

Tomorrow is the big day!! We can't wait to see our precious baby for the first time!, and to find out if Baby Hayes is a boy or girl. We will hopefully have a picture on the site sometime tomorrow.

We have so much to be thankful for!! Yesterday, someone rear ended us while we were stopped at a red light. I was really worried about the baby, and debated whether I should go to the emergency room. Since we were hit at such a slow speed and I felt ok, I decided not to go. It could have been really bad, but you can't even tell that we were hit.

I'm still getting sick occasionally, but it is so much better than before...and I think my thyroid hormones are starting to work now.


Monday, March 12, 2007

March 12, 2007

I've been having my thyroid levels checked more frequently since becoming pregnant. The blood work done at my last appointment indicated that the pregnancy has affected my thyroid function, and my levels are now too low. My endocrinologist called the middle of last week to let me know, and they have put me on thyroid hormones. I've been taking the hormones for a few days now, but it might take a few weeks before they begin working.

We ordered the furniture for the baby's room on Saturday...we were so excited!! They said it could take up to 12 weeks, but we're hoping it comes in sooner.

Everything is going great! I'm feeling so much better; I actually haven't gotten sick in 6 days.

Only 14 days till the ultrasound!!!!


Saturday, March 3, 2007

March 03, 2007

Today we went to USA Baby to look at furniture and bedding. We found a furniture set that we love!! I will hopefully have pictures on the site soon. Also, my mom got us the first piece of furniture for the nursery - an awesome glider (and ottoman). It was by far the most comfortable that we have sat in - I love it!!, and can't wait till it gets in (probably about four weeks). Matt has been working on the nursery tonight. I helped him tape the room, and he's been priming the walls to get them ready for paint.

Everything is going great!! We got the results from the blood work (quad screen for genetic disorders) done at my last appointment, and everything is normal. We are so thankful!!

I've been having more good days!! I have a little more energy now, and I can eat again!!


Monday, February 26, 2007

Dr's Appt #3 February 26, 2007

We had our third appointment today. We got to hear the heartbeat again; it's so amazing! We planned on trying to tape it, but got so caught up in the excitement that it slipped our minds - maybe next month. The doctor said the heartbeat sounded great, and she was able to find it much quicker this time. At our last appointment, the baby kept moving around, so it took a while to find it. We scheduled our next appointment when we left, and it will be Monday, March 26th; we will have the ultrasound first and then will see the doctor. We can't wait!!! We'll be sure to make a posting that day to let everyone know if Baby Hayes is a girl or boy.

Shanda & Matt

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Welcome to our site!!

As most of you know, our family began on May 1st, 2005. We were married at Riverwood Mansion, and spent a wonderful honeymoon in the Mayan Riviera. We lived in Hermitage for six months before buying our home, which we love! A few months ago we decided that we were ready to expand our family, and we were so happy to announce to everyone at Christmas that we were expecting. Our first child is due August 13th, and we can't wait. I am now 15 weeks pregnant, and I believe the morning sickness is finally starting to pass. I was very sick for weeks and had no energy, but I am gradually starting to feel better. We can't wait to find out what we're having, so we can decide on a name and work on the nursery. :)

We would like to share the next few months of pregnancy excitement (and even more importantly, what will come after) with all our friends and family, and we thought this would be a great way to keep you all updated with everything that is happening.

Thank you all for your love and support!!